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Rights and Freedoms26 February 2025Publication
'Collateral Damage' Report Into Australia's COVID-19 Pandemic Response
This major new report about the COVID-19 pandemic by the Australian Human Rights Commission highlights how critical gaps in the emergency response could be improved upon in future crises. -
Disability Rights17 November 2015Publication
Info and Communications Technology in the A.P.S – the need for change
The low rate of employment of people with disability in the Australian Public Service (APS) is unsatisfactory in terms of the government’s broader objectives, and from the Australian Human Rights Commission’s perspective in terms of the right to work of people with disability. The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) sees the wider use of accessible Information and Communications… -
Children's Rights25 September 2024Publication
Improving the safety and wellbeing of vulnerable children
This study aims to provide a national focus for reforms to the child protection and youth justice systems by examining the nature of recommendations from 61 reports and inquiries into these systems between the years of 2010 and 2022. -
Race Discrimination19 December 2024Publication
Interim Report on Racism at Australian Universities
In December 2024, the Australian Human Rights Commission delivered an interim report for its Respect at Uni project to update the Australian Government on the project’s progress, highlighting pervasive racism experienced by both students and staff at Australian universities. -
Age Discrimination6 September 2024Publication
Empowering futures: a report on enduring powers of attorney (2024)
A national survey on the understanding and use of financial enduring powers of attorney (2024). -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees2 December 2024Publication
'Not Just An Afterthought’ - Women in Immigration Detention Report
The Australian Human Rights Commission has called for significant reform to the country’s immigration detention system, after a new inspection report into the treatment of women in detention found their rights, safety and wellbeing are being widely overlooked. -
Race Discrimination21 October 2024Publication
Anti-Asian Racism Resources
Explore the Commission's anti-racism resources addressing settler colonialism, systemic racism, and anti-Asian racism in Australia, featuring expert insights and community-led solutions. -
Children's Rights19 August 2024Publication
'Help Way Earlier!'- transforming child justice for safety & wellbeing
Learn about how Australia can transform child justice to improve safety and wellbeing. -
Race Discrimination30 September 2024Publication
Race Reporting Handbook
The Race Reporting Handbook highlights the inequities of the current media landscape, particularly in the reporting of First Nations peoples and communities of colour. The handbook offers essential guidance for newsrooms, providing practical strategies for improving diversity and inclusivity in journalism. -
Children's Rights6 April 2022Publication
Child-friendly version of Keeping kids safe and well (2022)
Most of the kids I spoke to said it was very important that the government listens to what they have to say. -
Disability Rights3 November 2022Publication
Guidelines for the targeted recruitment of people with disability
The Guidelines provide information about designing and implementing targeted recruitment strategies for people with disability. -
Race Discrimination24 October 2024Publication
An Anti-Racism Framework: Voices of First Nations Peoples
Artwork courtesy of First Nations Co. This report serves as a foundational document for the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework. Drawing from extensive consultations with over 496 contributors from city, remote and rural backgrounds. These voices not only highlight the urgent need for action, but also serve as a clarion call for systemic solutions to eradicate racism. The First… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice21 August 2024Publication
Women in Native Title: Native Title Report 2024 Community Guide
This is a Community Guide to the Women in Native Title: Native Title Report 2024. It provides a quick and easy way to understand the full report and its purpose. The report is an account of the experiences, perspectives, aspirations and solutions of First Nations women within the native title system. It takes a person-centred approach, highlighting how native title and related systems impact… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice21 August 2024Publication
Women in Native Title: Native Title Report 2024
This report is an account of the experiences, perspectives, aspirations and solutions of First Nations women within the native title system. It takes a person-centred approach, highlighting how native title and related systems impact individuals and communities on a day-to-day basis. It calls for significant reform of the native title system to deliver land justice and fulfil human rights… -
Children's Rights6 April 2022Publication
Keeping kids safe and well: your voices
Children and young people are experts in their own lives, and their insights are critical for understanding how we can better support their safety and wellbeing. -
Commission – General3 November 2022Publication
Annual Report 2021-2022
This Annual Report sets out the performance of the Australian Human Rights Commission in the 2021–2022 financial year. -
Children's Rights20 November 2023Publication
Scoping project for National Child and Family Investment Strategy
In this report, the National Children’s Commissioner makes 18 recommendations about how the National Child and Family Investment Strategy should work. -
Race Discrimination16 March 2021Publication
Developing a National Anti-Racism Framework (2021)
Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner, Chin Tan has announced plans to develop a National Anti-Racism Framework and is calling on the Federal Government to support the framework, fully resource it and implement it. The Commission also aims to work in partnership with all sectors of Australian society because dismantling racism is a joint responsibility and will require a coordinated… -
Age Discrimination5 May 2019Publication
Older Women’s Risk of Homelessness: Background Paper (2019)
This background paper provides context regarding older women’s homelessness. It offers some potential solutions to reduce women’s risk of homelessness with a focus on preventative and innovative approaches that look beyond social and community housing as the answer. -
Race Discrimination19 July 2021Publication
Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims (2021)
The Sharing the Stories of Australian Muslims project sought to learn about Australian Muslims’ concerns, priorities and experiences of hate, violence and negative public commentary in the wake of the tragic Christchurch mosque attack.