Refine results
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Australia’s agreement with Malaysia in relation to asylum seekers
Recommendation 1: Asylum seekers should not be transferred from Australia to Malaysia under the Arrangement between the Government of Australia and the Government of Malaysia on Transfer and Resettlement. -
Commission – General9 April 2013Publication
Strategic Plan 2011-2014
Every three years we are required under our legislation to prepare a new Strategic Plan. We treat this as an opportunity to reflect on our effectiveness in undertaking our functions and duties, and to identify how we can ensure that our future work will result in tangible improvements in human rights for people in Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Community arrangements -asylum seekers, refugees and stateless persons
This year marks the twentieth anniversary of Australia’s introduction of mandatory immigration detention and the eighteenth anniversary of the system of mandatory, indefinite immigration detention. In the current context, it is apt to recall that mandatory detention was introduced in reaction to the arrival of asylum seekers by boat, with concerns about a potential ‘influx’… -
Legal10 October 2017Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (2017)
This submission provides information concerning the civil and political rights of key population groups in Australia and other thematic issues engaging civil and political rights. In relation to each section, the Commission has referred to the relevant articles of the ICCPR engaged and (where appropriate) the relevant paragraph of the Committee’s list of issues prior to reporting dated 9 November… -
28 October 2013Book page
2 Onshore detention and processing
2.1 Mandatory immigration detention It is mandatory under the Migration Act for every non-citizen who is in Australia without a valid visa to be detained, regardless of his or her individual circumstances. [24] Once detained, unlawful non-citizens must remain in detention until they are either granted a visa or removed from Australia. [25] The majority of unlawful non-citizens are detained… -
Children's Rights25 September 2013Speech
Bullying, Young People and the Law
A speech by Megan Mitchell, Children's Commissioner. Research shows that 27 per cent of young people report they are bullied every two weeks or more, and about 1 in 10 Australian people experience cyber bullying on a regular basis. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Cybersafety for Senior Australians 2012
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Joint Select Committee on Cybersafety in its inquiry into Cybersafety for Senior Australians. -
Rights and Freedoms3 March 2023Speech
Promoting and protecting human rights in Australia
The Australian Human Rights Commission: promoting and protecting human rights in Australia St Andrew’s College, University of Sydney, 14 July 2022 Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM FAAL Abstract This presentation explores the role of the Australian Human Rights Commission in the context of the international human rights treaties and its establishment as part of the domestic mechanisms … -
3 January 2014Book page
2 Background and framework for promotion and protection of human rights
2.1 Scope of international obligations During Australia’s review, the Government made a commitment to improving Australia’s monitoring of its international human rights obligations. Australia is a party to seven of the core human rights treaties and maintains a number of reservations under these. The Australian Government made a commitment to conduct a comprehensive review of such… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees17 April 2013Publication
Tell Me About: Bridging Visas for Asylum Seekers
1. What are bridging visas? Bridging visas are temporary visas which allow people to legally reside in the Australian community while they are applying for a longer term visa, appealing a decision relating to their visa, or making arrangements to leave Australia. Bridging visas can be granted to different groups of people, including asylum seekers who are seeking protection as refugees in… -
10 April 2015Book page
2 Background and framework for promotion and protection of human rights
2.1 Scope of international obligations 2.2 National framework 2.3 Equality before the law and non-discrimination 2.4 Migrants, refugees and asylum seekers 2.5 Right to life, liberty and security of the person 2.1 Scope of international obligations Australia prides itself on its commitment to the promotion and protection of human rights and has announced its candidacy for election to the… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
Effective access to services: What does it mean for sexual assault?
Let me also acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional land of Ngunnawal people. I pay my respects to their elders past and present, and all the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women who have worked so committedly to eliminating sexual assault. -
Rights and Freedoms12 November 2014Speech
Celebration of brave journalism
CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Introduction and acknowledgement Thank you Andrew for your welcome. Before I begin I would like to acknowledge that we meet on the land of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, and pay my respects to elders, past and present. May I also acknowledge Peter Greste’s parents and family who have joined us tonight. I thank Al Jazeera for the invitation and congratulate them… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Supplementary information to the Inquiry into Cyber Safety for Senior Australians
Information about cyber safety needs to be extended to offline media platforms in order to reach older Australians who are not yet online and may have concerns about going online due to safety issues. Older Australians are still very loyal to traditional media platforms such as TV, radio and print.[1] The following media settings and publications target older Australians and could be good avenues… -
29 January 2013Book page
Acting Commonwealth and Defence Force Ombudsman, Australian Defence Force: Management of Complaints about Unacceptable Behaviour,Report No 04 (2007). Army JROTC Cadet Reference, Leadership Education & Training, 2 nd ed. Headquarters Army Command. At 23 June 2011). Australian Army, ADFA Army Single Service Training. At… -
12 February 2013Book page
3 Promotion and protection of human rights on the ground
3.1 Equality before the law and non-discrimination A prominent theme throughout Australia’s UPR was the unacceptable level of disadvantage experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, with 50 of the countries that spoke during the interactive dialogue referring to issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. [15] Since its appearance the Australian… -
Race Discrimination11 December 2013Project
At a glance: Racial vilification under sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth)
What does the law say? -
25 September 2013Book page
7 Are current regulatory responses sufficient and appropriate?
Current federal anti-discrimination laws would generally apply to cyberspace to the extent that discriminatory behaviour (or harassment) online relates to a protected attribute, and could be said to have occurred in one of the stipulated areas of ‘public’ life. This is particularly clear in relation to the prohibition on sexual harassment under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) (SDA), as… -
Sex Discrimination20 April 2016Speech
National Press Club speech - Kate Jenkins
‘Accelerating change: gender equality from the household to the workplace’ Kate Jenkins Sex Discrimination Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission National Press Club 20 April 2016 CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY I would like to acknowledge the Ngunnawal people, the Traditional Custodians and First People of the land on which we meet. I want to pay my respects to their Elders, past and… -
15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 1: How far have we come? Looking back on 20 years of the Social Justice Commissioner role
1.1 Introduction This year marks 20 years since the establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner (Social Justice Commissioner) role under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth). When I first started in this position I was asked if any of the previous Commissioners had left any words or notes of advice. I answered them ‘no, but they all…