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15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 2: Looking back on 20 years of native title and the Social Justice Commissioner role
2.1 Introduction [1] Successive Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioners (Social Justice Commissioners) have always shown constant leadership and advocacy in reporting on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ rights to our lands and waters in the 19 Native Title Reports written between 1994 and 2012. [2] These Reports consistently show that social justice… -
Sex Discrimination27 February 2017Submission
Violence against women in Australia (2017)
Violence against women in Australia AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION SUBMISSION TO THE SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN 20 January 2017 Download PDF Download Word Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Summary 3 Recommendations 4 Background information 5 Recent developments in Australia 5.1 National Plan to Reduce Violence Against Women and their Children 5.2 Relevant Federal… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Innes: Going for gold
I also acknowledge Ministers with us here today; Ambassador Don Mackay joining us from New Zealand by video link; and many friends and colleagues from the disability and human rights community. -
Rights and Freedoms1 August 2019Publication
Discussion paper: Priorities for federal discrimination law reform
This paper sets out the Commission’s preliminary views on the priorities for federal discrimination law reform. It identifies the need for reform, the principles that should guide it, and the 11 major priority areas for reform to ensure effective protection against discrimination at the federal level. -
Age Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Age Discrimination: exposing the hidden barrier for mature age workers
Since the introduction of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth), experiences of age discrimination in employment among mature age workers have featured prominently in the complaints of age discrimination received by the Australian Human Rights Commission. In 2008-09, I undertook a series of consultations with peak bodies including age-based community groups, legal service providers, business… -
31 January 2013Webpage
1999 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
The 1999 Medal and Awards presentation ceremony was held on 10 December 1999 at a luncheon in the James Cook Ballroom, Hotel Inter-Continental in Sydney. Special guest was the Attorney-General the Hon. Daryl Williams AM QC MP and the guest speaker was film maker Paul Cox. Christina Koutsoukos was the MC. The judges were: Doug Anderson, Michael Antrum, The Hon. Justice Catherine Branson,… -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Forum Brisbane
Tom O'Connor spoke about his experiences of discrimination in the workplace. He described how the discrimination and harassment that he experienced affected his partner's career options as he was unable to support his partner when he wanted to study. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2004 : SUMMARY SHEET TWO
Implementing new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs What are the new arrangements for the administration of Indigenous affairs? The implications of the new arrangements The theory underpinning the new arrangements Practical matters relating to the introduction of the new arrangements Challenges in implementing the new arrangements Conclusions Downlad PDF Implementing new… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
A Human Rights Act for Australia
I would also like to acknowledge the presence of Members of Parliament - Mike Reynolds (Speaker of the Legislative Assembly), Linda Lavarch, Dean Wells, Evan Moorhead; Christine Smith, Desley Scott, Kate Jones, Dianne Reilly and Vicky Darling. -
14 December 2012Book page
Tackling violence, harassment and bullying - Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
Everyone has a fundamental right to feel safe from all forms of violence, in all parts of their lives. Each year, however, too many Australians encounter violence, harassment and bullying because of their gender, race, ethnicity, religion, disability, sexual orientation or age. Addressing these forms of violence is the second of the Commission’s two priority areas of work. -
22 July 2013Book page
Chapter 6: Equity and Diversity (Recommendations 6-10)
Key findings of Review The principles of equity and diversity should provide overarching, positive values to inform everyday practice within the ADF. At ADFA, the Review found equity and diversity to be conceptually grounded in disciplinary and punitive processes and framed as a response to unacceptable behaviour. The Review made five recommendations with the aim of reframing the way equity… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2001: Chapter 2: Mutual obligation, welfare reform and Indigenous participation: a human rights perspective
In recent years a mutual obligation approach has been adopted to reform public policy on welfare and employment issues. There has been much discussion about the applicability of this approach within an Indigenous policy context. It is seen by many as consistent with Indigenous cultural values such as reciprocity and an emphasis on community, as well as suggesting an antidote to the damage caused… -
Race Discrimination7 February 2017Opinion piece
The AHRC and the Racial Discrimination Act: setting the record straight
Federal racial hatred legislation and the complaints-handling processes of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) are currently the subjects of an inquiry by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. The Committee’s ‘Freedom of speech in Australia’ inquiry, due to report by 28 February 2017, is giving particular attention to sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Human Rights in Contemporary AustraliaDr Sev Ozdowski (2001)
Despite its rather grand title, this presentation will be a relatively modest attempt to set out the key challenges for human rights in Australia as I see them at the outset of my term as Human Rights Commissioner. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 September 2018Speech
Launch of Gilbert and Tobin papers addressing discrimination against people with FASD in Commonwealth and State and Territory law and policy
Recognition: A pathway to realising our rights and ending discrimination Introduction in Bunuba I recognise the Gadigal people of the Eora nation, and pay my respects to their elders past, present and emerging. Good morning everyone, and welcome to the launch of a number papers addressing discrimination experienced by people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders – FASD – across Australia… -
Rights and Freedoms6 June 2016Speech
Jessie Street Trust Annual Lunch 2016
Jessie Street Trust Annual Lunch - I am pleased to join you today to honour the work and annual birthday of Jessie Mary Grey Lillingston Street, a remarkable, and very modern Australian woman. Well before the First World War, she was an advocate for many of the social issues we care about today; equality for women, constitutional recognition of indigenous Australians, world peace and for… -
Age Discrimination22 May 2019Publication
Your Rights at Retirement (2019)
2019 Update. Your Rights At Retirement: A guide to making decisions and navigating you through your later life. -
14 December 2012Book page
Section 8 - Protection from discrimination on the basis of sex and/or gender identity - Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity discrimination: Consultation Report (2011)
The consultation was directly concerned with how protection from discrimination on the basis of sex and/or gender identity might be included in federal law. Section 6 above outlines what the consultation heard about the benefits of such protections. This part outlines: -
Disability Rights3 December 2020Opinion piece
Being acknowledged is the first step to being included
When I started my career as a young lawyer, I made a decision to tell people upfront that I used a wheelchair. On the occasions when I didn't, people often didn’t realise that I was the lawyer who they had spoken to on the phone. They would assume I was attending a meeting for work experience, or address their questions to my colleague instead of me. This continued even as my career… -
14 December 2012Book page
5 Theme Three - Freedom from discrimination - Listening Tour Report
I believe sexual harassment in the workplace is still very prevalent but its victims remain silent. Most women have experienced some form of harassment in their jobs. However most women will refuse to report it or speak out against their bosses for fear of retribution. I have just been through [six] years of trying to seek some justice in my male dominated place of work. The sexual harassment…