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Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Reform of the assistance animals provision of the Disability Discrimination Act
18 November 2003 Section 9 of the Disability Discrimination Act ("the DDA") defines unlawful discrimination as including treating a person with a disability less favourably because he or she is accompanied by a guide dog, hearing assistance dog or any other animal "trained to assist the aggrieved person to alleviate the effect of the disability". -
14 December 2012Book page
Human rights - what do I need to know? (2008)
All Australians have human rights. Human rights are universal: they are for everyone, everywhere, everyday. Human rights are based on values such as freedom, equality and dignity and seek to protect our quality of life. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 21
Indigenous children throughout Australia remain very significantly over-represented `in care' and in contact with welfare authorities. Their over-representation increases as the intervention becomes more coercive, with the greatest over-representation being in out-of-home care. Indigenous children appear to be particularly over-represented in long-term foster care arrangements. A high percentage… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 1999-2000: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice
Under section 46C(1)(a) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), the Social Justice Commissioner is required annually to submit a report to the Attorney-General on the exercise and enjoyment of human rights by Aboriginal persons and Torres Strait Islanders (the Social Justice Report). -
11 February 2014Book page
5 Conclusion
This report has identified a range of problems that exist in the criminal justice system which result in people with disabilities not enjoying equality before the law. Despite much good work and the best intentions, people with disabilities are not treated appropriately in the criminal justice system. Throughout the consultation process the Commission heard that in order to ensure equality… -
Legal14 December 2012Speech
Law Seminar 2007: Stolen Wages - The Way Forward by Robynne Quiggin
I'd like to begin by acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Gadigal people. I would also like to acknowledge elders and colleagues here today, Senator Trood, Johnathon Hunyor, and to thank President Von Doussa for inviting me here today. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2003: SUMMARY SHEET THREE: COAG TRIALS
In its communique of 5 April 2002, the Council of Australian Governments (COAG) agreed to trial a whole-of-government cooperative approach in up to 10 communities or regions of Australia. Appendix 2 of the report provides a detailed overview of the structure of the trials, and progress in each trial site. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
The topic for discussion is the role of human rights in good governance. Along the way I will touch on HREOC’s perceptions of cultural change at DIMA, legal roadblocks to cultural change, and the importance of human rights principles in the law and policy making process. -
Rights and Freedoms12 November 2015Speech
Introduction of the Religious Freedom Roundtable
Thank you. Thank you to the Attorney-General for his presence this morning. I know he has to run because he has commitments in Canberra, but I greatly appreciate his efforts to come this morning to support the discussions we are about to have. I’d also like to thank the President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, Professor Gillian Triggs, who will be present for part of this… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability discrimination legislation in Australia from an international human rights perspective: History, achievements and prospects
I want to talk today about the relationship between the lofty principles of international law on human rights and the practical realities for people with a disability in Australia. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘HREOC’) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Senate Constitutional and Legal Affairs Committee for its Inquiry into the Stolen Generations Compensation Bill 2008. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2003 : Chapter 2 : Native Title Policy - State and Commonwealth profiles
Human rights principles require that Indigenous people's relationships to land, based on traditional laws and customs, be given legal recognition and protection. International legal principles also recognise that Indigenous peoples have economic, social and cultural human rights. Native title, as it is constructed through the Australian legal system, has a limited capacity to meet these human… -
Race Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
Speech:Like oil and water? The intersection of freedom of religion and belief with human rights (2008)
Can I begin by thanking and acknowledging the Ngunnawal Peoples, the traditional owners of the land on which we are meeting and thank Aunty Agnes for her warm welcome. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
I make this acknowledgment in all my public presentations around Australia, not only because I believe that it is good manners to do so, but also because recognising the indigenous history of this land is an important element in recognising the truth of our diversity as a people. -
13 November 2014Book page
Commissioners’ statements
Mick Gooda Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner There have been many issues confronting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians in 2013-14, such as the over-representation of our people in the criminal justice and child protection systems, the future of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples and constitutional recognition of Aboriginal and… -
14 December 2012Book page
Thank you for the opportunity to make submissions to the Ministerial Inquiry to identify strategies to increase resource exploration in Western Australia - the Bowler Inquiry. Enclosed is a copy of my submission which contains several recommendations. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Presentation to University of NSW
To set the scene for my presentation this afternoon, I want to share two autobiographical fragments with you, both of them having to do with my experience at university. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: Chapter 3 - National progress towards reconcilation in 2002 - an equitable partnership?
a) A minimalist response to symbolic issues b) The perceived divisiveness of self-determination c) An emphasis on perceived areas of agreement d) Misrepresenting progress towards practical reconciliation -
Commission – General9 April 2013Publication
Strategic Plan 2011-2014
Every three years we are required under our legislation to prepare a new Strategic Plan. We treat this as an opportunity to reflect on our effectiveness in undertaking our functions and duties, and to identify how we can ensure that our future work will result in tangible improvements in human rights for people in Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Chapter 3
The Commission plays a significant role in monitoring legislation and policy in Australia to assess compliance with human rights principles. This monitoring role includes: