Refine results
1 February 2024Conciliation register
The complainant's son is on the Autism Spectrum and has Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, among other disabilities. He attended the respondent K-12 independent faith-based school. The complainant alleged the school did not take reasonable steps to assist her son to transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and failed to provide him with reasonable adjustments. She claimed this led to an … -
Disability Rights28 November 2023Webpage
Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Rosemary Kayess
Rosemary Kayess Disability Discrimination Commissioner Rosemary Kayess’ 5-year term as Disability Discrimination Commissioner began on Monday 29 January 2024. Ms Kayess holds a Bachelor of Social Science, Bachelor of Laws and an Honorary Doctorate in Law. She is a Senior Lecturer with the Faculty of Law at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and the Vice Chair of the United Nations… -
1 February 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has a spinal cord injury and uses an electric wheelchair. The complainant said he booked a flight with the respondent airline and was informed that, in accordance with its policies, airline staff would assist him to transfer from his wheelchair to his seat on the plane. The complainant alleged that on arriving to board the flight, he was informed staff could not assist him to… -
Age Discrimination2 June 2023Project
Planning ahead
Future planning empowers older people to have choice and control over their senior years and provides peace of mind for them and their loved ones. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice3 May 2023Webpage
Wiyi Yani U Thangani National Summit Livestream
Welcome to the livestream of the Wiyi Yani U Thangani National Summit of First Nations women, held over three days from 9-11 May 2023. The Summit brings together First Nations women delegates from across Australia, for decision-making, innovation and celebration and is the first ever national gathering of its kind. Please scroll down to see the livestream schedule, or click here to learn… -
Age Discrimination14 June 2023Webpage
Planning ahead for later life
The Australian Human Rights Commission has produced a range of educational resources to raise awareness about the importance of planning ahead for later life. The focus of our Have You Thought About Later Life? campaign is to provide resources in English and five community languages to support Australians to have these conversations. About planning ahead for later life Future planning… -
1 February 2024Conciliation register
The complainant uses a wheelchair, is non-verbal and uses eye-gaze technology and hand-over-hand techniques. The complainant enrolled in a diploma with the respondent vocational education provider and an individual plan was developed setting out reasonable adjustments to be provided to the complainant. The complainant alleged the vocational education provider did not provide her all the… -
1 February 2024Conciliation register
The complainant has an acquired brain injury and was employed as a service officer in a government agency. The complainant said he advised the agency of his disability when he applied for the role and requested reasonable adjustments to accommodate his disability, particularly extra time to process information. He alleged the agency took over four months to provide him with adjustments and… -
Race Discrimination11 March 2024Webpage
Race Discrimination Commissioner, Mr Giridharan Sivaraman
Meet Giridharan Sivaraman, Race Discrimination Commissioner, advocating for rights and inclusion. Learn about racism and take action. -
Children's Rights23 August 2024Media Release
A step backwards for child justice and community safety in Queensland
The Queensland Government’s ‘Community Safety Act’ allowing more children to be locked up in the first instance is another step backwards for child justice and community safety, National Children’s Commissioner Anne Hollonds said. “We all want to live in communities where kids can flourish and where everyone is safe, especially children. But this approach to offending by children doesn’t… -
Disability Rights22 November 2023Media Release
New approach to disability employment sees outstanding results
A national disability employment project has delivered exceptional success rates, and created a new blueprint for how businesses could increase employment opportunities for people with disability. IncludeAbility, a project of the Australian Human Rights Commission, ran three-month employment pilots in Perth and the Illawarra with the goal of increasing meaningful work opportunities for… -
Race Discrimination9 March 2023Publication
International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination
The Australian Human Rights Commission has developed this fact sheet to demonstrate how 'harmony' hides structural and systemic racism. -
Commission – General6 November 2023Media Release
Commission welcomes A-status re-accreditation from international standards body
The Australian Human Rights Commission has welcomed its re-accreditation as an A-status National Human Rights Institution (NHRI) by the Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI), the international NHRI standards body. GANHRI conducts reviews of its members every five years to determine if they operate in accordance with the UN Principles on National Institutions … -
Children's Rights12 April 2023News story
Join the webinar: Reinventing schools
If we want children to flourish, we must ask ourselves if the school system is doing the right thing by them. The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the fault lines that emerge when health and learning aren’t considered holistically. Declining mental health, disengagement from learning, disruption among social connections and vastly reduced physical activity were some of the impacts on children… -
Technology and Human Rights7 March 2024Project
Neurotechnology and Human Rights
Learn more about the Australian Human Rights Commission's project on the human rights risks associated with neurotechnology. -
Rights and Freedoms7 March 2023Webpage
Human Rights Act for Australia - Social Media Tiles to Download
Rights and Freedoms4 March 2023Publication
A National Human Rights Act for Australia
Australia is the only liberal democracy in the world that does not have a national act or charter of rights that explains what people’s basic rights are and how they can be protected. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice31 July 2023Webpage
Voice Referendum: Understanding the referendum from a human rights perspective
The Commission has produced a resource kit to encourage the Australian public to consider the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum through a human rights lens. The resources seek to minimise harm by encouraging cultural humility and focusing the conversation on human rights principles as they relate to the referendum and proposed Voice to Parliament. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice16 August 2024Media Release
AHRC commissioners call for action on findings of Senate report on murdered and missing First Nations women
Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner and Sex Discrimination Commissioner say the findings of a Senate inquiry into murdered and missing First Nations women provide more evidence of how to address violence against women and girls in First Nations communities. -
Children's Rights12 December 2024Video
National Children's Commissioner urges Australian governments to stand up for children's human rights
National Children's Commissioner Anne Hollonds has called on all Australians governments to protect the human rights of children. She released this video to coincide with UN Human Rights Day 2024, on the same week the Queensland Government planned to pass its controversial Making Queensland Safer Bill. Read the Commission's landmark report on child justice reform, titled 'Help Way Earlier!':…