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Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Burdekin: The Human Rights Of Australians With Disabilities
I would like to thank ACROD for inviting me to deliver the Kenneth Jenkins Oration; both because I regard it as a privilege and because it gives me the opportunity to address a gathering of the key people in the disability field at an important time in the work of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. -
14 December 2012Book page
Discussion Paper: DDA Standards on Commonwealth Government Information and Communications
Note:This paper was issued by the Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department. It is reproduced here on the Commission's World Wide Web site for the convenience of users. This paper is issued as received by the Commission on 15 October 1996. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability Action Plans with State Government Departments
I want to start, though, by talking for a few minutes about the broader legislative context under the Disability Discrimination Act and about what all of this is for in terms of achieving access and inclusion. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM Human Rights Commissioner and Disability Discrimination Commissioner Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission, Sydney, Australia -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Access on the agenda
Paper delivered by Elizabeth Hastings Disability Discrimination Commissioner 1993-97 at the Creating Accessible Communities Conference Fremantle, 12 November 1996 -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2007-2008: Chapter 3 - Monitoring Human Rights
HREOC plays a significant role in monitoring legislation and policy in Australia to assess compliance with human rights principles. This monitoring role includes: -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice25 March 2019Publication
UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2007)
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) was adopted by the General Assembly on Thursday, 13 September 2007. The Declaration is the most comprehensive international instrument on the rights of Indigenous peoples. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Webpage
Mr DEPUTY SPEAKER (Hon. G.G.D. Scholes)--I understand that it is the wish of the House to debate the Disability Discrimination Bill concurrently with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Legislation Amendment Bill. There being no objection, the Chair will allow that course to be followed. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
But people with disability for the most part were either invisible within mainstream education, or invisible because they were excluded and segregated off somewhere else. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
DDA Transport Standards: HREOC'S Role
Probably most of us here are parents, and we all have dreams for our children. One of my dreams for my 18-year-old son and his girl friend is that they will be able to participate in society in the same way as everyone else. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The right to belong
I have called this paper "the right to belong", and it is with this idea that I wish to begin my address to you this afternoon, before discussing in more detail the current state of the law in relation to disability discrimination. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2001-2002: Chapter 5
Mr Graeme Innes AM continued to serve on a part time basis throughout 2000-01 as Deputy Disability Discrimination Commissioner. In this role he assists with the handling of public enquiries, exemption applications and the development of standards under the Disability Discrimination Act. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Meeting with Deafness Forum of Australia
Thank you for the opportunity to meet today. I want to take a few minutes to run through some current areas of work which may be of particular interest to you. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
olympic roads and transport authority exemption decision
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission gives notice of a decision made on 27 June 2000 under section 57 of the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 ("DDA") concerning accessible buses during the Olympic Games and Paralympic Games. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into International Student Accommodation in New South Wales (2011)
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the opportunity to submit comments to the Social Policy Committee of the NSW Legislative Assembly in its Inquiry into International Student Accommodation in New South Wales. The Commission is established by the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth) and is Australia’s national human rights institution. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Australian Association of the Deaf National Conference
I think it's always good manners to make this acknowledgment. But at a Deaf community event it's also an important reminder that the rate of deafness and hearing impairment in some indigenous communities - over 30% - is even higher than it is throughout the community as a whole. -
Commission – General31 May 2016Speech
Australian Corporate Lawyers Association Corporate
Check against delivery Keynote Address - Australian Corporate Lawyers Association Corporate Good morning and thank you for your warm introduction. I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet – the Gadigal people of the Eora nation and their elders past and present. Introduction I was pleased to receive your invitation to join you at today’s conference to… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights – List of issues prior to reporting
This submission is made by the Australian Human Rights Commission, Australia’s national human rights institution. It outlines a number of issues that the Commission suggests should be considered by the Human Rights Committee as it develops a List of Issues Prior to Reporting ahead of Australia’s preparation of its sixth periodic report regarding the implementation of the International… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2002-2003: Chapter 5
Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM commenced duty as Acting Disability Discrimination Commissioner in December 2000 in addition to his duties as Human Rights Commissioner. In April 2003 the Attorney-General announced an extension of this acting position until 3 April 2004. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Presentation to State and Local Government CEO's (2009)
It's a great pleasure for me to be back in Perth , and particularly here at the Association For The Blind. During the eighties and nineties I lived in Perth for around ten years. I met and married my wife here, and still have strong family links. We still own property here and, if I have my way, we'll retire back here. Despite the fact that I have lived over East now for 16 years, I still barrack…