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Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
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Set against the wreckage and the unthinkable horror of the Second World War, the Declaration was something of a phoenix rising from the ashes, a document which sought to rekindle a human dignity which had been gravely debased in the preceding ten years. -
Age Discrimination6 July 2016Speech
National Press Club speech - Susan Ryan
“The ageing revolution is not over” - Last time I spoke here I called my address “the longevity revolution”, and asked, “crisis or opportunity?”. I intended that question as a challenge but it seems my challenge has not been met. We are as a community, still floundering on the crisis side of the binary. Our approach is still steeped in the language of “burden” and “deficits”. We are still failing… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No.14
This report to the Attorney-General concerns an inquiry by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission ("the Commission") into a complaint made under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) ("the HREOCA"). The subject of this report is a complaint of age discrimination made by Mr Andrew Hamilton who was employed by the Commonwealth in the… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees8 January 2014Publication
An age of uncertainty - Inquiry into the treatment of individuals suspected of people smuggling offences who say that they are children
This report makes disturbing reading. It documents numerous breaches by Australia of both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. As a nation that is understandably anxious that the rights of our own children should be respected when they come into contact with the authorities of other countries, it is troubling that between late… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission - Proposed minor native title amendments (2009)
You are all aware of the cultural, linguistic and historical factors that impact upon Indigenous people’s interaction with the legal system. Such factors that include: -
Rights and Freedoms11 June 2014Speech
The Forgotten Freedoms – Freedom of Religion
It is a great pleasure to deliver a Blackfriars Lecture. A few weeks ago I gave a speech to the Sydney Institute outlining the approach I plan to take to human rights as the Federal Commissioner titled ‘The Forgotten Freedoms’. In this speech I outlined that I have concerns about the key freedoms of expression, worship, association and property rights. Reasserting them will be the focus of my… -
14 December 2012Book page
A Bad Business - Address to the Launch of A Bad Business
Media Pack Index | Media Release | Launch Speech by Pru Goward | Speech by Nareen Young | Case Studies Fact Sheets: Key Findings | The Complaints Process | Legal Definition of Sexual Harassment | Cost to Employers -
Legal14 December 2012Speech
Law Seminar 2008: Homelessness and Human Rights by Sue Cripps
Paper presented at the Homelessness and Human Rights Seminar Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 12.30 – 2pm, Monday 7 August 2008 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability Action Plans with State Government Departments
I want to start, though, by talking for a few minutes about the broader legislative context under the Disability Discrimination Act and about what all of this is for in terms of achieving access and inclusion. -
1 August 2014Book page
Chapter 1: The case for addressing workplace discrimination related to pregnancy, parental leave and on return to work after parental leave
In summary Discrimination related to pregnancy and on return to work after parental leave is a systemic and widespread issue that places an economic impost on employers and organisations and on the Australian economy – particularly to the extent that it contributes to women’s under-participation or withdrawal from the workforce. There is a clear business imperative to address such… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Northern Territory National Emergency Response Legislation
Central to the values to which the Government gives expression is an unqualified commitment to racial equality and to eliminating racial discrimination. This is a non-negotiable tenet of our own national cohesion, reflected in our racial diversity, and it must remain a guiding principle of our international behaviour. The rejection of racial discrimination is not only a moral issue, it is… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Application for temporary exemption - Melbourne trams
This is the text of an exemption application lodged with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission by the applicants named below. It represents the applicants' views and is not a Commission document. It is posted on this site to facilitate public comment. Please refer to the Information Sheet for information about how to obtain hard copies. -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
The Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW)
These resources have been developed as an update and revision of the Australian Human Rights Commission document, 'Women of the World: Know Your International Human Rights'. -
Disability Rights30 June 2015Publication
Mental Health Legislation and Human Rights
This paper presents an indicative analysis of the mental health legislation in each State and Territory in terms of recently agreed international standards - the UN Principles for the Protection of Persons with Mental Illness and for the Improvement of Mental Health Care. The legislation in every Australian jurisdiction breaches the standards prescribed in the UN Principles in a number of ways… -
Employers11 February 2015Webpage
Good practice guidelines for internal complaint processes
Good practice guidelines for internal complaint processes PDF (676 KB) Good practice guidelines for internal complaint processes Word (124 KB) Why have an internal complaint process? Addressing employee complaints about discrimination and harassment quickly and fairly is good for business because it can: identify ways to improve workplace practices and policies improve staff morale,… -
26 March 2014Book page
Chapter 8: Principle 5: Gendered harassment and violence ruins lives
Key findings of Review The ADF Review found that sexual misconduct – including sexual harassment and, on occasion, sexual assault – existed in the ADF, particularly in male dominated areas. It also found significant underreporting of sexually based incidents from victims because of fear of victimisation; concerns about negative impact on career progression; and personal trauma. The ADF… -
Disability Rights20 February 2014Speech
Launch of Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District Action Plan
Sarah - not her real name - studied law at university. Not only did she earn a good law degree, she won the university medal. She also won competitions for mooting- conducting mock trials for those of you smart enough not to have chosen law as your profession. She could not get a job - or even an interview - with the Australian public service because she has a significant disability, including… -
14 December 2012Book page
An age of uncertainty - Foreword
This report makes disturbing reading. It documents numerous breaches by Australia of both the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. As a nation that is understandably anxious that the rights of our own children should be respected when they come into contact with the authorities of other countries, it is troubling that between late… -
11 February 2014Book page
3 Police, courts and corrections – the issues
3.1 General findings In our consultations the Commission received information from people with disabilities and their advocates, support services in the community and in government and people in the police, courts and the custody and release system. The Commission also received many submissions and held a number of meetings with community members and public officials who work in or with the … -
26 March 2014Book page
Chapter 7: Principle 4: Greater flexibility will strengthen the ADF
Key findings of Review The ADF Review found that flexibility is imperative for many Defence members, and that a lack of flexible work options – be that real or perceived – was acting as a serious impediment to retention. The ADF Review reported that in all three Services: There is an increased propensity for women to leave the ADF at points that coincide with a typical point where personnel …