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14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Centacare Newcastle is the official welfare arm of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle. The service was established in 1961 and is one of the longest standing welfare agencies in the Hunter. Centacare aims to provide high quality services concerned with the alleviation of conditions which lead to injustice or misery through poverty, alienation, unemployment, marital disharmony, child abuse… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice26 October 2017Speech
Rural and Remote Mental Health Conference 2017
A speech by June Oscar about her work at the Australian Human Rights Commission, the importance of language and culture to our social and emotional well-being, and the role of our women in leading us to a better future. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Asia Pacific Forum meeting: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2001)
Although the first Human Rights Commission was established by federal legislation in 1981, ICESCR was not added to its mandate (unlike the ICCPR). The omission was repeated when the new (current) Commission was established in 1986. -
22 July 2013Book page
Chapter 1: Audit Approach
The Report of the Review into the Treatment of Women at ADFA (November 2011) (ADFA Report) made 31 wide ranging recommendations to effect significant cultural change. The ADF accepted all the recommendations made – 30 in full and one in principle. 1 The Audit team does not expect that cultural change of the scale envisaged by the Review will have been achieved within 12 months. This is… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The Queensland Independent Education Union (QIEU) Equity Committee is a committee of employees in the non-government sector of education who are concerned with issues of justness and fairness in relation to employees and students in the non-government sector of education specifically and wider contemporary society generally. Members of the Equity Committee are currently or have in the past been… -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 3: A human rights-based approach to lateral violence - Social Justice Report 2011
When we look at the many issues that face Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, it is easy to get paralysed by their complexity, entrenched nature and the sheer size of the challenge. But as an optimist, I believe that there is a lot that we can do to address these problems. There are many different tools available to suit the varying circumstances that face our diverse communities… -
Race Discrimination20 October 2017Webpage
Race Discrimination Guides
Guides and advice by the Australian Human Rights Commission The Commission may issue guidance and advice to assist persons and organisations with responsibilities under the legislation to avoid discrimination and meet their responsibilities. This guidance or advice is not legally binding regulation. Guides Race Hate and the Racial Discrimination Act (2016) At a glance: Racial vilification… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
My name is Katie Brosnan. I am a permanent resident of Australia and a citizen of Ireland. I qualified as a high school teacher in Ireland in 1995 with a bachelor’s degree in education. I have taught in Ireland, Poland and Australia in mainstream educational facilities as well as with marginalized groups e.g. refugees in Ireland, gypsies in Ireland. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 16
That's why I wanted the files brought down, so I could actually read it and find out why I was taken away and why these three here [siblings] were taken by [our] auntie ... Why didn't she take the lot of us instead of leaving two there? ... I'd like to get the files there and see why did these ones here go to the auntie and the other ones were fostered. Confidential evidence 161, Victoria. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2007: Chapter 6
‘CATSI’ is an acronym for the Commonwealth’s Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Cth), which came into effect on 1 July 2007. The Act ‘primarily provides for the incorporation and regulation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Corporations’. It replaces the Aboriginal Councils and Associations Act 1976 (Cth) (the ACA Act). -
Rights and Freedoms10 April 2013Publication
Homelessness is a Human Rights Issue
This paper explores the many ways that homelessness impacts on a person’s ability to enjoy basic rights and freedoms. It shows that homelessness is more than just a housing issue. Homelessness is about human rights. Homeless people are not merely objects of charity, seeking help and compassion – like all Australians, they are individuals entitled to the protection and promotion of their human… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2007 - Appendix 2
To develop a nationwide picture of existing government initiatives that address family violence, the Social Justice Commissioner sent correspondence to all State, Territory and relevant Australian government departments[1] requesting information on their policies and programs during the period 2006-2007. -
27 March 2015Book page
4 Additional issues emerging from the consultation
Right to freedom from arbitrary detention Euthanasia Charter of human rights Human rights education Exercising responsibilities and civil society action to advance human rights Additional human rights issues were raised during the consultation process that were outside the original scope of the consultation. However, given these issues were repeatedly raised across the country, it is… -
3 January 2014Book page
2 Background and framework for promotion and protection of human rights
2.1 Scope of international obligations During Australia’s review, the Government made a commitment to improving Australia’s monitoring of its international human rights obligations. Australia is a party to seven of the core human rights treaties and maintains a number of reservations under these. The Australian Government made a commitment to conduct a comprehensive review of such… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2002-2003: Statement from president
I am delighted to present my first statement as President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. Much of what is reported in this volume occurred before I took up my appointment. The last twelve months have been a time of challenge and success for the Commission as it continues the important task of promoting and protecting the observance of human rights in Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
2010 Social Justice and Native Title Reports - A Community Guide
In my role as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, I am required to prepare two reports on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ human rights issues each year – the Native Title Report and the Social Justice Report. -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 1: Towards a reconciled Australia: An agenda of hope - Social Justice Report 2010
I could tell you of heartbreak, hatred blind I could tell of crimes that shame mankind Of brutal wrongs and deeds malign Of rape and murder son of mine -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
This submission makes brief comment on the education of children in detention. It provides a more complete picture of the education services offered to these children by the Department of Education, Training and Employment in South Australia (hereafter the department) after they have been processed as refugees and released into the community. Note is also made of a group of children who have been… -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 06-07: Appendix 2
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Report of the National Inquiry into the Discrimination against People in Same-Sex Relationships: Financial and Work-Related Entitlements and Benefits (tabled report) -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2001-2002: Chapter 8
The term of the Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Susan Halliday, expired on 26 April 2001 and the federal Attorney - General, the Hon. Daryl Williams, AM, QC, MP announced the appointment of Ms Pru Goward as Sex Discrimination Commissioner for a five-year term on 29 June 2001. Ms Goward commenced her appointment on 30 July 2001. In the interim, the President acted as Sex Discrimination…