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Commission – General28 August 2020Publication
Corporate Plan 2020 - 2021
Respect for human rights and freedoms is the cornerstone of a cohesive and peaceful society in which everyone can make a contribution and feel safe and included. This Corporate Plan shows how we achieve our purpose and promote an Australian society where human rights are enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, everyday. It has been prepared in accordance with s 35(1)(b) of the Public Governance -
Education14 March 2019Teachers Article
Disability Rights, Inclusion and Sport
See the resource Disability Rights, Inclusion and Sport, which promotes the importance of including people with disabilities in sports and activities. -
14 December 2012Book page
Report to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIaC)
The Unlocking Doors Project was a series of forums, workshops and consultations conducted by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission throughout 2006, which brought Muslim peoples and communities in New South Wales and Victoria into a dialogue with Police. This dialogue sought to strengthen Muslim peoples’ relationship with law enforcement agencies and build on the capacity of the… -
Commission – General27 August 2021Publication
Corporate Plan 2021 - 2022
Respect for human rights and freedoms is the cornerstone of a cohesive and peaceful society in which everyone can make a contribution and feel safe and included. This Corporate Plan shows how we achieve our purpose and promote an Australian society where human rights are enjoyed by everyone, everywhere, everyday -
13 November 2014Book page
The Year in Review
Building understanding and respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms We all have a responsibility to respect the rights and freedoms of others. To make this a reality, the Commission works to build greater understanding of human rights and their importance in daily life. This is one of our two key priorities for 2011-2014. We work with a broad range of groups across the country,… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: Appendix 1
This appendix contains an overview of the main framework agreements and partnerships made between Indigenous representative organisations, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission, and state or territory governments.[1] -
Commission – General14 December 2022Speech
2022 Human Rights Day Oration by Larissa Behrendt
"No More Just Tinkering at the Edges" Human Rights Day Oration by Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt AO 9 December 2022 I pay my respects to the Gadigal and the Elders who have kept knowledge on this country and shared so generously this unceded land. Before I start, I would like to thank the Commission for the honour of the 2021 Human Rights Medal. The award reflects a long-term… -
Education18 March 2019Teachers Article
Understanding human rights
Explore Understanding Human Rights, which is a resource designed to help students understand human rights concepts and how they apply to everyday life. -
14 December 2012Book page
Building understanding and respect for human rights - Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
A fundamental goal of the Commission is to engage all parts of the Australian community in a constructive dialogue about human rights and how they can be better protected. -
Education24 October 2018Teachers Article
Magna Carta: The Story of Our Freedom
Discover a series of online educational resources that explore the impact the Magna Carta has had on our human rights and freedoms in Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Face the Facts: Introduction - rightsED
The Face the Facts education resource is designed to complement the material in the Commission's Face the Facts publication. First published in 1997, Face the Facts reflects the continued demand for accurate and easy to understand information about Indigenous peoples, migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice9 July 2021Speech
LISTEN. THINK. TRUST. ACT. DIFFERENTLY. Intersectional Movements and a Gender Equal and Just Futures
Panel: Think: Associate Professor Chelsea Watego Trust: Aunty Jackie Huggins, Co-chair Treaty Advancement Committee Act: June Oscar, Social Justice Commissioner, Australian Human Rights Commission I want to acknowledge the lands we all stand on—all our elders past, present and emerging, wherever we are beaming in from today. Good morning everyone. I am really happy to be here and… -
Education14 December 2012Publication
RightsED - Young people in the workplace
Young people in the workplace contains a series of activities and resources to help students explore the issues around workplace discrimination. The activities help students to draw comparisons between the dramatised workplace issues and their personal experiences by looking at how concepts of difference, discrimination and harassment may operate in their daily lives. -
Race Discrimination18 March 2021Publication
Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia (2021)
In August 2020, the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) was engaged by Basketball Australia to undertake an independent Racial Equality Review (‘the Review’) of the sport at a national level -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2005 : Chapter 4 : Leasing on Indigenous land: a human rights appraisal
This report has focused on proposals for the leasing or alienation of Indigenous land, with a specific focus on the Indigenous Land Tenure Principles released by the National Indigenous Council (NIC). The purpose of this Chapter is to discuss these Principles from a human rights perspective, with a particular focus on the right to development. -
Disability Rights16 April 2024Webpage
Ambassador Profile - Tim Ferguson
Acclaimed comedian, screenwriter, author, actor, comedy coach, advocate, and patron of MS Australia, Tim Ferguson talks about disability rights, employment and humour! -
Rights and Freedoms23 May 2018Speech
The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission
The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission as the national human rights body in promoting and protecting rights Freedom18—the limits of religious freedom NSW Parliament House 23 May 2018 [ Professor Croucher spoke to this paper] Introduction I begin my presentation by acknowledging the traditional custodians of this land, and pay my respect to the elders, past and present, and to -
14 December 2012Book page
Living Spirit - Muslim Women's Project 2006: Report
The project was officially supported by the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia, the Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria, the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Islamic Girls’ and Women's Group, the Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition and Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE. The… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Young People and Human Rights Dialogue: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2005)
Firstly, HREOC is charged with: "promoting an understanding and acceptance of human rights in Australia". Young people obviously form a very, very important part of that task. -
Children's Rights11 March 2013Webpage
Explore comprehensive guides on children's rights, including resources for students, teachers, and parents, provided by the Australian Human Rights Commission.