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Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Prevention of human rights abuses against irregular migrants: the role of National Institutions
In the age of globalisation there has been a massive increase in international migration and, as the number of international migrants has grown, so too has the problem of irregular migration. Many states have tried to stem irregular migration by introducing new border control measures and tougher criminal sanctions for people smugglers.[1] However, while effective border control is a legitimate… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice17 January 2019Speech
Healing Our Spirit Worldwide 8th Gathering Closing Keynote Address
Introduction in Bunuba Thank you. Jalangurru lanygu balangarri - good afternoon everyone. Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Gadigal yani U. Balangarri wadjirragali jarra ningi – gamali ngindaji yau muwayi nyirrami ngarri thangani. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngirranggu thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. I speak to you in my first… -
14 December 2012Book page
Highlights of the year - Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
On 5 November 2009 we hosted the Australian and New Zealand Race Relations Roundtable 2009, highlighting the human rights of international students as a major issue. During the year under review, we directly engaged with over 700 international students and student representatives to identify key human rights issues, participated in numerous government and academic forums focusing on international… -
Rights and Freedoms29 September 2017Speech
Religion and Human Rights in Modern Australia: Friends, Foes or Ships in the Night?
Western Sydney Open Forum CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Acknowledgements • Traditional Aboriginal owners: the Darug Nation • Dr Sev Ozdowski AM If you’ve read the papers or seen the news in the last few weeks, you might be forgiven for thinking that human rights are somehow radically incompatible with religion, or at least with ‘religious freedom’. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact,… -
Rights and Freedoms10 October 2014Opinion piece
Even in pursuit of valid goals, let's stop sacrificing principles and rights
In pursuit of legitimately tackling isolated criminal behaviour, Parliaments are reversing the basic principle of liberal democracy by criminalising the exercise of human rights and prescribing lawful activity. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Seventh International Conference for National Human Rights Institutions
Torture and various forms of terrorism have been practiced throughout history, though never on the scale we are now confronted with. The first visual records of police interrogation were discovered in a four thousand year old tomb in ancient Egypt. Since the pharaohs there have been many refinements in methods of inducing physical pain and gathering intelligence, most notably during the Spanish… -
15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 4: Human rights in practice – alcohol policy
4.1 Introduction Alcohol consumption, misuse and related harm are some of the most challenging issues confronting communities across the length and breadth of Australia. These challenges are not limited to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities, but confront every demographic in Australian cities and towns. From Kings Cross to Halls Creek, St Kilda to Santa Teresa – communities… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speech: The role of culture and human rights in promoting human development
[1] According to the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, the intangible cultural heritage (ICH) – or living heritage – is the mainspring of our cultural diversity and its maintenance a guarantee for continuing creativity. It is defined as follows: Intangible Cultural Heritage means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills – as well as… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Review of Australia’s Fourth Periodic Report on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Recommendation 2: The Australian Government pass a federal Human Rights Act that includes recognition and protection of economic, social and cultural rights. -
21 October 2022Webpage
Let's talk about racism
Explore human rights teaching resources related to racism, including topics such as discrimination, what racism looks like and what you can do about it. -
Education25 February 2015Webpage
Face the facts: Children's Rights
Learn how Australia signed the Convention on the Rights of the Child to help protect vulnerable groups of children and young people who are at risk. -
Sex Discrimination30 November 2021Speech
Launch of Set the Standard
Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins launches “Set the Standard” report aims to improve safety and respect in Australian parliamentary workplaces. -
14 December 2012Book page
Preventing Crime and Promoting Rights for Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Issues Appendix 2
In order to establish what is provided for Indigenous young people with cognitive disabilities and/ or mental health problems, information was requested from all relevant government departments across Australia.[213]A letter was sent to departments requesting: -
Age Discrimination24 May 2019Publication
Willing to Work: National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination Against Older Australians and Australians with Disability (2016)
The right to work is a fundamental human right, but one that far too many older people and people with disability in Australia do not enjoy. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Annual Report 2003-2004 : Chapter 3: Monitoring Human Rights
Along with its human rights education and promotion function, the Commission undertakes a monitoring role in relation to human rights standards. This monitoring role ranges across the work of the individual Commissioners who examine and report issues of race, sex and disability discrimination and human rights, to the assessment of legislative proposals and presentation of submissions through the… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice27 May 2021Speech
Speech for Reconciliation Week
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO made this speech at the WA Reconciliation Breakfast on May 29, 2021 Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Bunuba yani U. Balangarri wadjirragali jarra ningi gamali ngindaji yau muwayi nyirrami ngarri thangani. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngirranggu thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra -
Rights and Freedoms26 September 2016Speech
Human rights and the overreach of executive discretion: citizenship, asylum seekers and whistleblowers
HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE OVERREACH OF EXECUTIVE DISCRETION: CITIZENSHIP, ASYLUM SEEKERS AND WHISTLEBLOWERS GILLIAN TRIGGS [*] (Annual Tony Blackshield Lecture delivered at Macquarie Law School, Macquarie University, 5 November 2015) I It is a special pleasure for me to speak in honour of Professor Blackshield, who is a long time colleague of mine in the law. He is a constitutional law scholar of… -
Commission – General30 August 2022Webpage
2021-22 Senate Order Entity Contracts Listing Relating Calendar Period
See Archived Reports 2021-22 SENATE ORDER FOR ENTITY CONTRACTS LISTING RELATING TO THE CALENDAR PERIOD 01/07/2021-30/06/2022 Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts the following table sets out contracts entered into by the Australian Human Rights Commission which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which: have not been fully performed… -
Rights and Freedoms1 May 2013Publication
Human rights issues raised by the third country processing regime
The Commission recognises the importance of effective border management and recognises that Australia has a right as a sovereign State to exclude non-citizens from its territory. However, Australia also has international obligations in relation to asylum seekers who come here, including those who arrive by boat, which must be observed in its border management practices. This paper provides a… -
14 December 2012Book page
Achieving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health equality within a generation - A human rights based approach
Improving the health status of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples is a longstanding challenge for governments in Australia. While there have been improvements made in some areas since the 1970s (notably in reducing high rates of infant mortality1) overall progress has been slow and inconsistent. The inequality gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other…