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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee's inquiry into the stolen generation
This submission has been prepared by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner on behalf of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. -
14 December 2012Book page
Theoretical perspectives on bystander intervention
Models which account for the circumstances under which different bystander responses occur have been evolving since the 1970s, especially in the fields of criminology and social psychology. The notion of bystanders originated with the study of an event in New York where a young woman, Kitty Genovese, was raped and stabbed to death over a period of half an hour. During the attack, 38 witnesses… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Violence, Harassment and Bullying and Homelessness
Violence, harassment and bullying can be both a cause and consequence of homelessness. This means that a person may become homeless as a result of family violence and/or be exposed to violence, harassment and bullying because they are homeless. Violence, harassment and bullying are unacceptable in any context and violate a range of human rights. -
14 December 2012Book page
Stories of discrimination
In 2006, the Commission conducted a National Inquiry into discrimination against people in same-sex relationships regarding access to financial and work-related entitlements and benefits. The inquiry is known as the Same-Sex: Same Entitlements Inquiry (the Inquiry). -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women - Human rights at your fingertips - Human rights at your fingertips
On 18 December 1979, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. It entered into force as an international treaty on 3 September 1981 after the twentieth country had ratified it. By the tenth anniversary of the Convention in 1989, almost one hundred nations have agreed to be bound by its provisions. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2006: Chapter 7: The Yarrabah Housing Project
Underpinning the Government’s partnerships approach to Indigenous policy is the belief that economic development is the key to sustainable improvement in the quality of life of residents of Indigenous communities.1 -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Appendix 9 Recommendations
1. That the Council of Australian Governments ensure the adequate funding of appropriate Indigenous agencies to record, preserve and administer access to the testimonies of Indigenous people affected by the forcible removal policies who wish to provide their histories in audio, audio-visual or written form. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Commission Submission - Ferneley v Boxing Authority NSW
(1) Nothing in Division 1 or 2 renders it unlawful to exclude persons of one sex from participation in any competitive sporting activity in which the strength, stamina or physique of competitors is relevant. -
Children's Rights2 July 2014Speech
Marist Youth Care
While I believe most Australians wish for children in this country an equal chance at life - an opportunity to not just survive but to thrive - and to be free from violence, abuse and neglect, it is, perhaps, less understood or acknowledged that this opportunity is also the right of every Australian child. -
Disability Rights8 March 2018Opinion piece
25 years of the Disability Discrimination Act
It was 25 years ago this month that the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) (the ‘DDA’) commenced operation. On 1 March 1993, Australians with a dis¬ability had a national law that was designed to provide them with equality in many areas of life. Over the past quarter of a cen¬tury, the DDA has contributed significant¬ly to social change for people with disability and has been used by -
14 December 2012Book page
Ismaع - Listen: Independent Research
In June 2003, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) engaged the Centre for Cultural Research (CCR) at the University of Western Sydney (UWS) to investigate Australian Arabs' and Muslims' experiences of post-September 11 racism, the extent to which these experiences were going unreported and the reasons for this. The CCR team was charged with addressing the following questions: -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into hearing health in Australia (2009)
This submission is based on research conducted by the Commission into hearing impairment and deafness in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in 2009. The submission therefore focuses exclusively on hearing health in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. The Commission only commenced this research recently but it is expected to be completed by December 2009. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and the Protection of Human Rights at the Federal Level: Graeme Innes AM (2006)
I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we stand, and pay my respects to their elders both past and present. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 20
There were a lot of families on the outside who were saying my daughter hasn't come home, my son hasn't come home. You had a lot of families still fighting and then you had the bloody welfare saying to these families, `We're not doing what was done in the sixties'. Bomaderry Home was left open as a big secret by the government and the welfare. And it must have been one of the best kept secrets… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
Violence Against Women: A Men's Issue
Thank you for the invitation to speak today. How wonderful it is to see so many men here to support something that has for too long been placed in the "women"s issues" basket, as if violence against women is our problem. -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
Launch of Good Practice, Good Business (2004)
Firstly, I would like to pass on apologies from the President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, The Hon. John von Doussa QC, who is presently interstate and unable to be here today. It goes without saying that he entirely endorses the purpose of this project and believes there should be more of it. -
14 December 2012Book page
Law Society Journal - Customary law and international human rights: The Queen v GJ
THE ROLE THAT ABORIGINAL customary law has, or should have, in the criminal codes and sentencing acts of the Commonwealth, states and territories has been the subject of detailed consideration for some time.1 -
14 December 2012Book page
Questions and answers on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2009)
On Friday 3 April 2009, the Australian Government will make a statement in support of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This will reverse Australia’s previous opposition to the Declaration. Under the Coalition Government, Australia was one of four countries that voted against the Declaration when it was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in… -
Sex Discrimination20 May 2014Publication
Recognising and responding to sexual harassment in the workplace
What is sexual harassment? Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature. If a reasonable person would anticipate this behaviour might make you feel offended, humiliated or intimidated, it may be sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is unlawful under the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) . Some examples of behaviour that may be sexual harassment include: Sexually suggestive … -
14 December 2012Book page
When the Tide Comes In: Towards Accessible Telecommunications for People with Disabilities in Australia
1G: First Generation. Describes the previous generation of mobile telephony. An example was the analogue-based AMPS system which predominated in Australia during the 1990s. 2G: Second Generation. Describes the current generation of mobile telephony. Examples are the GSM and CDMA technologies currently used in Australia and most other countries. 2.5G: Describes mobile telephony which is…