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Race Discrimination14 December 2012Project
In our own words - African Australians: A review of human rights and social inclusion issues (2010)
In 2007, the former Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, had a vision to develop a human rights initiative based on the experiences of African Australians, to inform future policy and programs. -
Commission – General28 February 2022Webpage
2020-21 Senate Order for Entity Contracts Listing relating to the Calendar Period 01/01/2021-31/12/2021
See Archived Reports 2020-21 SENATE ORDER FOR ENTITY CONTRACTS LISTING RELATING TO THE CALENDAR PERIOD 01/01/2021-31/12/2021 Pursuant to the Senate Order for entity contracts the following table sets out contracts entered into by the Australian Human Rights Commission which provide for a consideration to the value of $100,000 or more (GST inclusive) and which: have not been fully performed… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Better Support for Carers
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘HREOC’) makes this submission to the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Family, Community, Housing and Youth (‘the Committee’) in its Inquiry into Better Support for Carers (‘the Inquiry’). -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Maguire: Presentation to Ozewai Conference
I've always been fascinated by numbers. Although remembering some of my maths exam results, I'm not so sure that they have been as fascinated by me. If you ask a group of people to say the first number that comes into their heads, you'll get a lot of 7's. Perhaps it's because we all have an intuitive awareness that 7 is the smallest number of faces of a regular polygon that cannot be constructed… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2006: Executive summary
This is my third Native Title Report as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. This year I continue the theme from my previous Reports by focusing on land tenure and economic reform on Indigenous communal lands.1 -
14 April 2015Book page
1 Social justice - Year in review
1.1 Introduction 1.2 Machinery of Government changes 1.3 The 2014 Budget 1.4 Leadership, representation and engagement 1.5 Constitutional recognition 1.6 Indigenous Jobs and Training Review 1.7 Closing the Gap 1.8 Stolen Generations 1.9 International developments 1.10 Australian Human Rights Commission complaints 1.11 Conclusion 1.1 Introduction At the beginning of this reporting period, we… -
14 December 2012Book page
DIAC Response to the 2011 Australian Human Rights Commission Statement on Immigration Detention in Leonora (2011)
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) Public Statement on Immigration Detention in Leonora. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The Federation of Parents and Citizens' Associations of New South Wales is committed to a free public education system which is open to all people irrespective of culture, gender, academic ability and socio-economic class and empowers students to control their own lives and be contributing members of society. This commitment is based on the belief that: -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2008-2009: Appendix 6
The Commission reviews staff performance annually through its Performance Management Scheme. The Scheme provides an opportunity to set goals and priorities in line with our Strategic Plan and to assess the level of individual performance and contribution to Unit outcomes. The Scheme also provides an opportunity to identify and address learning and development needs and to plan effectively for the… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Essentials for Social Justice: Reform
Between December 2007 and April 2008 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Tom Calma, will deliver a series of key speeches setting out an agenda for change in Indigenous affairs. -
Legal14 December 2012Speech
Law Seminar 2008: Housing and Homelessness – What’s Human Rights got to do with It? by Cassandra Goldie
Paper presented at the Homelessness and Human Rights Seminar Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission 12.30 – 2pm, Monday 7 April 2008 133 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, NSW -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Annual Report 2003-2004 : Appendices
The International Labour Organisation Convention 111 deals with discrimination in employment and occupation. Australian adherence to this Convention provides that all people have the right to equal treatment in employment and occupation without discrimination on the basis of: -
Disability Rights6 May 2024Webpage
FAQs about disability and employment
Find answers to questions about disability employment for employers and people with disability. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 16
That's why I wanted the files brought down, so I could actually read it and find out why I was taken away and why these three here [siblings] were taken by [our] auntie ... Why didn't she take the lot of us instead of leaving two there? ... I'd like to get the files there and see why did these ones here go to the auntie and the other ones were fostered. Confidential evidence 161, Victoria. -
14 December 2012Book page
Indigenous Deaths in Custody: Part E Profiles: Indigenous Deaths in Custody 1989 - 1996
The deceased had been arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol and for driving while disqualified. He was placed in what the Coroner described as an enclosed cell, in which occupant vision is impossible, at around 3.00am and told he would remain there for a period of four hours. -
14 April 2015Book page
6 Giving effect to the Declaration
6.1 Introduction 6.2 Steps taken by the Australian Government to implement the Declaration 6.3 Giving effect to the Declaration 6.4 Conclusion and recommendations 6.1 Introduction Throughout my term, I have continually emphasised the importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples [565] (the Declaration). The Declaration is the most comprehensive and advanced… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
I feel very honoured to have been invited to contribute to this symposium. As a theme for today's discussion, I have chosen the notions of regionalisation and responsibility within Asia and the Pacific. I believe that the ability to accept responsibility for our neighbourhood, and to generate cooperative regional dialogues and actions to fulfill that responsibility will be the key to meeting the… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
(b) Use, disclosure and access to personal information (whether relating to a living or a deceased individual) Proposals 3-11, 12-8, 22 and 26-1 -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 19
In most cases of forcible removal government officials and agents were responsible for the removal under legislation or regulations. However, there were early cases of removal of children by missionaries without the consent of the parents. In Victoria the absence of government oversight of welfare services enabled churches and other non-government agencies to remove children from their families… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The continuing battle for equal rights for people with a disability
I have to admit that two months ago when I took the title " The Disability Discrimination Act and the continuing battle for equal rights for people with a disability" for my paper today I was not attaching great importance to the precise words of that title.
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