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14 December 2012Book page
Consultation: Protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity
The Australian Human Rights Commission conducted a consultation in 2010 to canvas the experiences and views of people who may have been discriminated against on the basis of their sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity. -
14 December 2012Book page
Section 2 - The consultation methodology - Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity discrimination: Consultation Report (2011)
On 1 October 2010, the Commission released a Research Paper and a Discussion Paper informing participants of the current legal protections from discrimination and providing questions for response. -
14 December 2012Book page
Section 12 - Other actions that could be taken by the Australian Government to protect LGBTI people in Australia - Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity discrimination: Consultation Report (2011)
The consultation received a number of suggestions about other ways in which the Australian Government could protect the human rights of LGBTI people in Australia. Many participants argued that while anti-discrimination legislation is an important step towards equality, it is essential that it is accompanied by other actions. Suggestions were often informed by personal experiences of… -
14 December 2012Book page
Section 6 The potential benefit of federal laws protecting from discrimination and harassment on the basis of sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity - Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity discrimination: Consultation Re
The consultation invited comments on the potential benefit of federal laws protecting people from discrimination and harassment. Overwhelmingly, participants argued that introducing such protections would result in significant benefits for the Australian community as a whole. A small number of participants argued that there would be no benefit from these protections. -
14 December 2012Book page
Protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation
The consultation was directly concerned with how protection from discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation might be included in federal law. Section 6 above outlines what the consultation heard about the benefits of these protections. This part outlines: