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8 December 2020Book page
Part 5: Thriving communities and sustainable economies
Discover how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls face barriers when accessing education and employment and how this is being addressed. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations on the Discussion Paper, National Employment Standards Exposure Draft (2008)
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) makes this submission to the Australian Government Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations in response to the Australian Government’s invitation to make comment on the National Employment Standards Exposure Draft Discussion Paper. -
Commission – General14 December 2022Speech
2022 Human Rights Day Oration by Larissa Behrendt
"No More Just Tinkering at the Edges" Human Rights Day Oration by Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt AO 9 December 2022 I pay my respects to the Gadigal and the Elders who have kept knowledge on this country and shared so generously this unceded land. Before I start, I would like to thank the Commission for the honour of the 2021 Human Rights Medal. The award reflects a long-term… -
Rights and Freedoms3 March 2023Speech
Human Rights in the time of Covid
Responding to the COVID-19 pandemic as a public health emergency tested national readiness in a federal system to contain the spread of the disease effectively and required very quick action by governments. -
Children's Rights3 February 2020Publication
Children’s Rights Report 2019
The Children’s Rights Report 2019 — In Their Own Right tells the story of how well children’s rights are protected and promoted across Australia. -
Commission – General15 March 2024Speech
Australian Human Rights Commission’s complaint handling jurisdiction
Civil Justice Research Conference 2019 Macquarie University, Sydney Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM [ Professor Croucher spoke to this paper] Abstract The complaint handling role of the Australian Human Rights Commission from time to time attracts some attention in the media—but not always for constructive reasons. This presentation set out the real story. It is one that is a worthy… -
14 December 2012Book page
Report No. 40: Complaints by immigration detainees against the Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Immigration and Citizenship, formerly the Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs) and GSL (Australia) Pty Ltd (2008)
Pursuant to section 11(1)(f)(ii) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach a report of an inquiry by the former President of the Commission into complaints made by immigration detainees against the Commonwealth of Australia. The former President found that the Commonwealth had breached the human rights of the complainants pursuant to articles 10(1) and 17(1) of… -
14 December 2012Book page
6 Issues raised outside the themes: Listening Tour Report
Research and literature: This section summarises research that is relevant to each sub-issue. It should be noted the research included in the report is not an exhaustive literature review, but a summary of the research that was presented to the Commissioner during the Listening Tour. -
Rights and Freedoms5 May 2019Speech
40+ years of conciliation
The Australian Human Rights Commission and Conciliation—a 40+ year success story, but … National Mediation Conference, Canberra Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM [Professor Croucher spoke to this paper] Abstract A key responsibility of the Australian Human Rights Commission is to handle complaints of breaches of human rights. This is a role that the Commission in its various iterations… -
14 December 2012Book page
3 Theme One - Economic Independence for Women: Listening Tour Report
I'm a mother who has been out of the paid workforce for two years and will probably be for the next 4 years, until my children are ready for pre-school. My return to work will probably be on a part-time basis and I will probably have to re-start my career after so many years out so I don't expect that I will earn very much. I never thought this would be the case - I studied for many years, earned… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Board
The government has an obligation to take action to address violence and abuse, particularly where there is evidence that is it widespread. Governments that fail to do so are in breach of their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRoC), the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the International Convention on… -
Rights and Freedoms17 January 2019Speech
Human rights in the 21st century
Human rights in the 21st century—Reflections on the 70th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Australian Council for International Development National Conference Human Rights in the 21st Century—People. Planet. Peace. Opening Address 30 October 2018 UNSW, Sydney by Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM President, Australian Human Rights Commission* [Professor Croucher… -
14 December 2012Book page
5 Theme Three - Freedom from discrimination - Listening Tour Report
I believe sexual harassment in the workplace is still very prevalent but its victims remain silent. Most women have experienced some form of harassment in their jobs. However most women will refuse to report it or speak out against their bosses for fear of retribution. I have just been through [six] years of trying to seek some justice in my male dominated place of work. The sexual harassment… -
Rights and Freedoms11 September 2020Submission
Review of Australian Federal Police Powers (2020)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security (PJCIS) in relation to its ‘Review of AFP Powers’. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Discussion Paper "Australia's Children: Safe and Well - A National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children"
“If the measures were targeted solely to parents or families in need of assistance to prevent neglect or abuse of children, as they are in s123UC of the legislation, then some form of income management may be capable of being seen as an appropriate exercise of the governments ‘margin of discretion’ to ensure that families benefit from welfare and receive the minimum essentials… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
National Human Rights Consultation - Appendix 2
The Declaration recognises the legitimate entitlement of Indigenous people to all human rights – based on principles of equality, partnership, good faith and mutual benefit... -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Publication
Submission: Human rights and fundamental freedoms of Indigenous people
The Australian Human Rights and Commission has made a submission on behalf of the Indigenous Peoples Organisation Network (IPON) of Australia to Professor S. James Anaya, UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights and fundamental freedoms of Indigenous Peoples, on the current status of Indigenous human rights in Australia for his Mission to Australia which is taking place from 17-28 August 2009. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Review of Australia’s Fourth Periodic Report on the Implementation of the International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
Recommendation 2: The Australian Government pass a federal Human Rights Act that includes recognition and protection of economic, social and cultural rights. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy (2010)
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) in response to the draft Indigenous Economic Development Strategy (IEDS). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Updated information from the Australian Human Rights Commission on Australia’s implementation of the ICCPR (2009)
Ms Nathalie Prouvez Secretary of the Human Rights Committee Human Rights Treaties Branch Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland