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Race Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
The RDA and native title (1997)
The response to the High Courts Wik decision has given rise to intense discussions about the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA), the Australian Constitution and the future of native title, among other things. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2000: Chapter 1: Nation in dialogue
The application of human rights principles to native title has been the subject of an ongoing dialogue taking place both nationally and internationally in the reporting period. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Project
Accommodation issues under the DDA and Disability Convention
Section 25 of the DDA makes it unlawful to discriminate in provision of accommodation on the grounds of disability of a person or his or her associates: -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Social Justice Report 2002: International developments in the recognition of the rights of Indigenous peoples
The circumstances of Indigenous peoples were virtually invisible at the United Nations approximately thirty years ago. Very little attention had been devoted to their situation and their claims were by and large unheard in international fora. Since the early 1970s, however, Indigenous peoples have made significant inroads towards the recognition of their rights and acceptance of their legitimate… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
DR OZDOWSKI: It is 9.30 so we will start another day off, formal hearings. My name is Dr Sev Ozdowski and I'm the Human Rights Commissioner. To my right is Dr Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and to my left Mrs Robin Sullivan, Queensland's Children's Commissioner. Both of them do assist me with the Inquiry as Assistant Commissioners. Also, on my… -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Treating someone differently because of the language that they speak may be against the law. Find out more in this quick guide for employers. -
Rights and Freedoms11 June 2013Project
Review of Universal Periodic Review commitments by Australia
What is the UPR and why does it matter | Commitments made at Australia's first UPR appearance | Review of commitments | Comments What is the UPR and why does it matter The Universal Periodic Review is a process undertaken by the United Nations Human Rights Council. It involves review of the human rights records of all 192 UN Member States once every four years. The UPR is different from… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Discussion Paper "Australia's Children: Safe and Well - A National Framework for Protecting Australia's Children"
“If the measures were targeted solely to parents or families in need of assistance to prevent neglect or abuse of children, as they are in s123UC of the legislation, then some form of income management may be capable of being seen as an appropriate exercise of the governments ‘margin of discretion’ to ensure that families benefit from welfare and receive the minimum essentials… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
DR OZDOWSKI: My name is Dr Ozdowski and I am the Human Rights Commissioner and we are conducting an Inquiry into Children in Detention. To my left is Mrs Robin Sullivan who is Assistant Commissioner for the Inquiry and in her other life, she is Queensland Children's Commissioner and to my right is Professor Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Melbourne Institute of Technology and she is… -
International17 January 2017Project
HRTC highlights newsletter - Jan 2017
Working internationally to advance human rights Welcome HRTC Highlights is a bi-annual newsletter that provides updates on Human Rights Technical Cooperation (HRTC) Programs and other international activities undertaken by the Australian Human Rights Commission. Contents Advancing DV crisis intervention Civil society development in China UNSW student interns focus on children’s rights in… -
Rights and Freedoms4 September 2015Speech
Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance
Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance Thursday 3 September 2015 I am honoured to have been invited to speak tonight at this, the 5 th Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance. As I had not met or known the Hon. Austin Asche. As any researcher would do, I ‘googled’ him to learn about his distinguished legal career. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Northern Territory in 1987 and… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2011: Chapter 1: Reviewing key developments in the Reporting Period
In this Chapter I review key developments within the native title system that occurred throughout the Reporting Period (1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011) and consider the impact of these events on the exercise and enjoyment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ human rights. -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 9
Social security is an income support system that acts as a safety-net for people who, for some reason, are unable to financially support themselves. Entitlements to social security are largely governed by the Social Security Act 1991 (Cth) (Social Security Act) and the A New Tax System (Family Assistance) Act 1999 (Cth) (Family Assistance Act). The payments are usually administered by Centrelink. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Mason: Experience with the representative complaints procedure to date
This Representative Complaints workshop aims to develop a document on representative complaints to be used by the DDA Legal Advocacy Services, other legal services and other representatives and advocates in making representative complaints and to assist them in if the representative complaints procedure is appropriate in any particular case. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2000: Chapter 4: Achieving meaningful reconciliation
This report identifies the necessity to adopt a human rights approach to reconciliation, as well as shortcomings in Australia's performance on human rights issues as they relate to Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders. This chapter emphasises processes and mechanisms that enable reconciliation to be implemented within a human rights framework. It identifies crucial commitments and processes… -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 10
This chapter focuses on discrimination regarding the entitlements available to veterans of the Australian Defence Forces who have a same-sex partner or children. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2005 :
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission (ATSIC) was established in 1990 by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Commission Act 1989 (Cth). The Act made provisions for the establishment of 35 representative Regional Councils on behalf of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities in Australia. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
1. The provisions made by Australia to implement its international human rights obligations regarding child asylum seekers, including unaccompanied minors. -
14 December 2012Book page
Appendix 2: Chronology of Events Relating to the Administration of Indigenous Affairs - Social Justice Report 2011
Social Justice Report 2011 Back to Contents Appendix 2: Chronology of Events Relating to the Administration of Indigenous Affairs 1 July 2010 – 30 June 2011 DATE EVENT / SUMMARY OF ISSUE 2 July 2010 Torres Strait Islander sea rights recognised by Federal Court The Federal Court recognised the Torres Strait Regional Sea Claim Group’s native title rights over about 37 800sq. km of sea between… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
"Armenia to Rwanda - Genocide in the 20th Century - Has humanity learnt anything?": Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2004)
In so doing however I am confronted with the classic dilemma of many, namely what fresh insight can I bring to bear on this subject that has not already been canvassed.
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