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14 December 2012Book page
DIAC Response to the 2011 Australian Human Rights Commission Statement on Immigration Detention in Villawood
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) public statement on Immigration Detention at Villawood. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability and human rights
Allow me to commence by acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet, the Wallumattagal clan of the Eora peoples. Let me also acknowledge my fellow speakers, as well as other distinguished guests and friends. -
14 December 2012Book page
10. Physical Health of Children in Immigration Detention
The human right to health is not simply the right to health care. It is also a right to the underlying determinants of health, including food and nutrition, housing, access to safe drinking water and adequate sanitation, and a healthy environment. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
"Other status": disability and human rights (2011)
Amnesty International conference: Human rights challenges and opportunities in the 21st century Brisbane 6 October 2011 Graeme Innes, Disability Discrimination Commissioner -
14 December 2012Book page
9. Mental Health of Children in Immigration Detention
This chapter addresses the impact of the detention environment on the mental health of children and the measures taken to address their mental health needs. Consistent with the breadth of protection given to the welfare of children under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), the Inquiry uses the term mental health to describe the psychological well-being of children as well as… -
Rights and Freedoms14 July 2015Speech
What are the proper limits on the power of Parliament?
Distinguished guests, friends and colleagues - thank you for your welcome to this Law Institute of Victoria seminar. I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and pay my respects to their elders past and present. I will always have a soft spot for the Law Institute of Victoria. I was admitted to practice in 1969 after completing my articles with Williams Winter and Higgs, and… -
Rights and Freedoms14 July 2015Speech
What are the proper limits on the power of Parliament?
Distinguished guests, friends and colleagues - thank you for your welcome to this Law Institute of Victoria seminar. I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land and pay my respects to their elders past and present. I will always have a soft spot for the Law Institute of Victoria. I was admitted to practice in 1969 after completing my articles with Williams Winter and Higgs, and… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees24 November 2014Publication
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention (2014)
Australia currently holds about 800 children in mandatory closed immigration detention for indefinite periods, with no pathway to protection or settlement. This includes 186 children detained on Nauru. Children and their families have been held on the mainland and on Christmas Island for, on average, one year and two months. Over 167 babies have been born in detention within the last 24 months… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Information concerning Australia and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Recommendation 1: The Commission recommends that the Australian Government fully incorporate into Australian law its human rights obligations to children, including through the adoption of a federal Human Rights Act. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Annual Report 2003-2004 : Chapter 9: Race Discrimination
Over the past year increasing trends of prejudice and harassment of particular groups in our community has continued to be an area of significant concern for me. As noted in the 2002-03 annual report, I launched the Isma project in March 2003 in response to increasing concerns expressed by Arab and Muslim organisations about the rise in anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudice in Australia. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Information concerning Australia and the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD) (2010)
Recommendation 2: That the proposed Joint Parliamentary Committee on Human Rights be empowered to make recommendations in relation to the implementation of ICERD Committee Concluding Observations. -
14 December 2012Book page
Ismaع - Listen: Strategies Document
As part of the Ismaع project, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (the Commission) investigated existing initiatives that address anti-Arab or anti-Muslim prejudice at a local, state and federal level across Australia. We conducted research and requested information about current initiatives from seven federal government agencies, 37 state and territory government agencies … -
Rights and Freedoms4 September 2015Speech
Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance
Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance Thursday 3 September 2015 I am honoured to have been invited to speak tonight at this, the 5 th Austin Asche Oration in Law and Governance. As I had not met or known the Hon. Austin Asche. As any researcher would do, I ‘googled’ him to learn about his distinguished legal career. He was appointed Chief Justice of the Northern Territory in 1987 and… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
"Human Rights in Contemporary Australia": Dr Sev Ozdowski (2001)
Speech by Dr Sev Ozdowski at the United Nations Association of Australia - Tasmanian Branch - Human Rights Seminar: Human Rights from the Perspective of Individual, Collective and Corporate Responsibilities, Saturday 17 November 2001 -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
Human rights are said to be universal and indivisible. This paper explores how far that universality introduces human rights principles into the functions and work of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT). The answer, I think, could be “further than you realise”. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Before I begin, I would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we stand and pay my respects to their elders both past, present and future. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
CERD Index
This submission is prepared by Australia's national human rights institution, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). It provides information in relation to the Australian Government's combined 13th and 14th periodic report under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). All of the material contained in this document has… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submissions - MV Tampa
1. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission ('the Commission') by Notices of Motion dated 1 September 2001, will seek leave to intervene pursuant to section 11(1)(o) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth) ('the Act') -
Legal2 August 2017Submission
Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (Cth) introduced by the Australian Government. -
14 December 2012Book page
Annual Report 2001-2002: Chapter 1
The Commission is an national independent statutory body established under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986. It has a President and five Commissioners. The five positions are currently held by three persons. Please refer to the organisational chart on page 16 for further information.
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