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Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
2011 Disability Speech: NSW Careers Forum
RITA KUSEVSKIS-HAYES: Good morning, everybody. If I can ask everyone to take their seats. Good morning, everybody. My name is Rita Kusevskis-Hayes, and I would like to welcome you on behalf of the 2011 Careers Forum Organising Committee to the University of New South Wales. -
Disability Rights17 May 2016Speech
Australian Network on Disability Annual National Conference 2016
I would like to thank the Australian Network on Disability for inviting me to speak about the work I have been doing. As many of you would know, I have recently concluded the Willing to Work National Inquiry into Employment Discrimination against Older Australians and Australians with Disability. The report for which was released by the Attorney-General last week. The report is available… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Opinion piece
Opinion Pieces / Articles
The following opinion pieces have been published by the President and Commissioners. Reproduction of the opinion pieces must include reference to where the opinion piece was originally published. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway?
The title I have taken for these remarks is "Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway". I fear that by now there may already be something dated or quaint in using the term "information superhighway". I am going to use it anyway, and perhaps make matters of style worse by adding reference to a slow lane, because I think a few important issues are suggested by this… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commissioners' statements - Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
Despite the positive positioning of the National Apology and the establishment of the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples, the fundamental nature of the Northern Territory Emergency Response continued to impede the development of a good relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the Australian Government. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Native title payments discussion paper – Optimising Benefits from Native Title Agreements
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner has produced 15 Native Title Reports which include analyses and recommendations on the operation of the native title system and its effect on the exercise and enjoyment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.[1] Particularly relevant is the Native Title Report 2003, which provides a detailed comparative analysis of… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The DDA and employment of people with a disability
The standard sort of speech that is often delivered by people in my sort of position at this sort of event is a combination of pep talk and pamphlet, with some bits of a law lecture thrown in: telling people with a disability and their advocates that they have rights under discrimination law, and telling employers that they have responsibilities, and attempting to set out the terms and the effect… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Comments by the Australian Human Rights Commission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on issues relevant to Australia’s fifth periodic report under the ICCPR (2008)
The Australian Human Rights and Commission (the Commission) provides these comments to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (the Committee) in response to the Committee’s request for information relevant to Australia’s fifth periodic report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).[1] -
Legal27 October 2014Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the Convention Against Torture
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the Convention Against Torture Submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission 17 October 2014 Download PDF Download Word Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Statutory powers of the Australian Human Rights Commission 3 Independent monitoring and inspection mechanisms, including ratification of the Optional Protocol 4 Domestic… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 60th Anniversary, 2008
Universal Declaration of Human Rights 60 th Anniversary, 2008 Find out about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? How did Australia help develop the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? Read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in your language: English and other languages More information about human rights Timeline of human… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Making rights relevant
Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you today. Whilst planning this speech, I was thinking that it was a long time since the first time that I addressed an NDS (then Acrod) conference. I was asked to give the Kenneth Jenkins memorial oration at the Acrod conference in the early 80s, as the first President of DPI Australia. The speech then was just the type that you would expect from the… -
Legal14 December 2012Speech
Dignity, Fairness and Good Government: The Role of a Human Rights Act - Lord Bingham
It would clearly test to destruction the tolerance of the ordinary red-blooded Australian to have a Pom getting off the plane from London and telling them how to run their country. So I shall not presume to say how the current human rights debate in this country should be resolved. But perhaps I may contribute some thoughts, prompted by our own experience in the United Kingdom, acknowledging as I… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice26 October 2017Speech
Rural and Remote Mental Health Conference 2017
A speech by June Oscar about her work at the Australian Human Rights Commission, the importance of language and culture to our social and emotional well-being, and the role of our women in leading us to a better future. -
Commission – General30 January 2013Webpage
2013 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
Human Rights Medal Sister Clare CondonSister Clare Condon is the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. Sister Clare has been with the Sisters of the Good Samaritan for about 40 years. Under her leadership, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan have helped provide emergency housing for women and children experiencing domestic violence and have… -
15 July 2014Book page
Chapter 1: How far have we come? Looking back on 20 years of the Social Justice Commissioner role
1.1 Introduction This year marks 20 years since the establishment of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner (Social Justice Commissioner) role under the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth). When I first started in this position I was asked if any of the previous Commissioners had left any words or notes of advice. I answered them ‘no, but they all… -
Legal15 August 2016Submission
Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia: Submission to Committee Against Torture (2016)
SUBMISSION BY THE AUSTRALIAN HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION Information for List of Issues Prior to Reporting - Australia 27 June 2016 Contents 1. Introduction 2. National Human Rights Institution 3. Ratification of OPCAT 4. Scrutiny of human rights and role of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights 5. Violence against women and children 6. Trafficking in persons 7. Criminal Justice… -
Rights and Freedoms14 October 2014Opinion piece
Speak up out of respect for rights and culture
To advance human rights we need to promote a culture of respect for everyone exercising their choice and freedoms. On a day-to-day basis, human rights probably appear abstract for most Australians. The term often gets raised in discussion about how we are treating asylum seekers, or when we discuss disadvantage in the community. It is common for people to say "I have a right to" one thing,… -
Commission – General9 December 2013Webpage
2013 Human Rights Medal and Awards Winners
Human Rights Medal 2013 winner Sister Clare Condon Human Rights Medal Sister Clare CondonSister Clare Condon is the Congregational Leader of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict. Sister Clare has been with the Sisters of the Good Samaritan for about 40 years. Under her leadership, the Sisters of the Good Samaritan have helped provide emergency housing for women and -
14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Chapter 4
4.1 Introduction 4.2 The key issues 4.3 Workplace relations framework 4.4 Recognising the relationship between paid work and caring work 4.5 Certainty and flexibility in the workplace 4.6 Structural change to support gender and carer equality 4.7 The need for expanded legal rights 4.8 Workplace culture and use of family-friendly policies 4.9 A life cycle approach to work and a universal approach… -
Disability Rights18 August 2015Publication
Reflections - first 5 years of the Disability Discrimination Act
As I reach the end of my appointment as the first Disability Discrimination Commissioner, and in the light of proposed structural and funding changes to the Commission, I am drawn to reflect upon the theory and practice, challenges and developments, lessons and achievements, of the first five years of operation of the Disability Discrimination Act, and to look towards directions for the next five…