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Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
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The topic for discussion is the role of human rights in good governance. Along the way I will touch on HREOC’s perceptions of cultural change at DIMA, legal roadblocks to cultural change, and the importance of human rights principles in the law and policy making process. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Subject Index - Submissions to the Commonwealth Parliament
The Commission seeks to promote and protect human rights through submissions to parliamentary inquiries, government departments and law reform bodies. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No. 18
1. The commission's jurisdiction 2. The complaint 3. The complainant's evidence and submissions 4. Respondent's response 5. Documentary material before the commission 6. Conciliation 7. Preliminary findings of Commissioner Sidoti 8. Response to Commissioner Sidoti's preliminary findings 9. My Further Preliminary Findings 10. Respondent's response to my Further Preliminary Findings 11. Section 21… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
President Speech: Religion in the public square
I would like to begin today by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Wurundjeri peoples, and pay my respect to their elders, past and present. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2001: Chapter 5: Juvenile diversionary schemes and Indigenous people
On 27 July 2000, the Commonwealth government and the Northern Territory Government signed an agreement for the establishment of a juvenile pre-court diversion scheme in the Northern Territory (NT). This agreement arose specifically as a response to the continued criticism of the NTs mandatory minimum imprisonment laws and their impact on juveniles and Indigenous people. By establishing the… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Publication
Annual Report 2009-2010: Australian Human Rights Commission
I have pleasure in presenting the Annual Report of the Australian Human Rights Commission for the period ending 30 June 2010. The report has been prepared pursuant to section 45 of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 and in accordance with the requirements of section 70 of the Public Service Act 1999. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submissions to parliaments and law reform bodies - Index by Committee
The Commission seeks to promote and protect human rights through submissions to parliamentary inquiries, government departments and law reform bodies. -
14 December 2012Book page
Same-Sex: Same Entitlements: Chapter 6
Employment is fundamental to the lives of Australian families. For many individuals, work is their major activity outside the home, and ensures their family’s financial security. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
"We reaffirm our commitment to continue our struggle to eliminate all forms of violence and torture against children and to create a world that protects and fulfils the rights of all children." [1] -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No. 26
Pursuant to s 31(b)(ii) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach, on behalf of the Commission, a report of an inquiry conducted by my predecessor, Professor Alice Tay. The inquiry dealt with a complaint of discrimination in employment by Mr Kenneth Douglas against the Commonwealth of Australia (Australian Defence Force). -
Employers18 February 2015Quick Guide
Political Opinion
It can be discrimination when a person does not experience equal opportunity in employment because of his or her political opinion. This may include being refused a job, being dismissed from employment, being denied training opportunities or being harassed at work. The Commission may investigate complaints of discrimination in employment based on political opinion and, where appropriate, try… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
“Long-term detention and mental health”: Dr Sev Ozdowski OAM (2003)
I would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we stand and by so doing remind ourselves that Australia’s cultural traditions stretch back many thousands of years. -
Legal10 October 2017Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (2017)
This submission provides information concerning the civil and political rights of key population groups in Australia and other thematic issues engaging civil and political rights. In relation to each section, the Commission has referred to the relevant articles of the ICCPR engaged and (where appropriate) the relevant paragraph of the Committee’s list of issues prior to reporting dated 9 November… -
Disability Rights23 February 2016Webpage
D.D.A. Guide: FAQ on the National Relay Service
DDA Guide: Frequently asked questions: the National Relay Service What is the National Relay Service? The NRS is an Australian Government initiative. It provides phone service for people who are deaf, hearing-impaired or have complex communication needs. The NRS relay officer provides a link for the parties to the call and relays exactly what is said or typed. The NRS relay officer is… -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2000: Chapter 5: Reparations
The Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee conducted an inquiry this year into the federal government's implementation of recommendations made by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission in Bringing them home. The inquiry considered proposals for the establishment of an alternative dispute resolution tribunal for members of the stolen generations; and considered the… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Report: Visit of the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women
In April 2012, the current UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, including its causes and consequences, Ms Rashida Manjoo, accepted an invitation to conduct a study tour to Australia. This was the first visit to Australia ever undertaken by the UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Media Contacts
We regularly prepare and distribute media releases, opinion pieces, speeches, media kits and fact sheets on the work that the Commission undertakes. Our website also provides extensive research and project information. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Federal Discrimination Law 2005: Chapter 3: The Racial Discrimination Act
The RDA was the first Commonwealth unlawful discrimination statute to be enacted and is different in a number of ways from the subsequent SDA, DDA and ADA. This is because it is based to a large extent on, and takes important parts of its statutory language from, the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination ('ICERD').1 -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
14 December 2012Book page
Section 12 - Other actions that could be taken by the Australian Government to protect LGBTI people in Australia - Addressing sexual orientation and sex and/or gender identity discrimination: Consultation Report (2011)
The consultation received a number of suggestions about other ways in which the Australian Government could protect the human rights of LGBTI people in Australia. Many participants argued that while anti-discrimination legislation is an important step towards equality, it is essential that it is accompanied by other actions. Suggestions were often informed by personal experiences of…