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14 December 2012Book page
Isma-Listen: Eliminating prejudice against Arab and Muslim Australians
The meeting was chaired by the Deputy South Australian Equal Opportunity Commissioner, Ms Anne Burgess and facilitated by Omeima Sukkarieh, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (notes). It was attended by 21 invited participants. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice and Native Title Reports 2006
In my role as Social Justice Commissioner I am required to produce two annual reports on Indigenous human rights issues – the Social Justice Report and the Native Title Report. The reports, which are tabled in federal Parliament, analyse the major changes and challenges in Indigenous affairs over the past year. They also include recommendations to government that promote and protect the… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
People with Disabilities and productive diversity in the APS
Australian Public Service Commission one-day diversity conference 'Public Service Regeneration - Challenges and Opportunities for the Workforce' Brisbane, Wednesday 8 June 2005. -
Employers11 February 2015Webpage
A step-by-step guide to preventing discrimination in recruitment
Learn how to prevent discrimination in recruitment with this step-by-step guide. -
Rights and Freedoms8 April 2015Speech
Isabelle Lake Memorial Lecture. Australia's Transgender Awakening
The Isabelle Lake Memorial Lecture is an initiative of the Equal Opportunity Commission of Western Australia in partnership with the University of Western Australia to honour the work and achievements of Ms Isabelle Lake. Ms Lake was a young trans rights activist, who was also a former employee of the Equal Opportunity Commission and University of Western Australia student. -
Legal30 May 2022Project
Human Rights Reports
The Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 empowers the Commission to investigate breaches of human rights and workplace discrimination. Reports to the Minister are prepared, including recommendations for action. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Presentation to Accessible Arts Workshop
George Bernard Shaw once said that the only alternative to torture in life is art. I'm not sure that you could my presentation this morning art, but I do hope it isn't torture. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice26 October 2017Speech
Rural and Remote Mental Health Conference 2017
A speech by June Oscar about her work at the Australian Human Rights Commission, the importance of language and culture to our social and emotional well-being, and the role of our women in leading us to a better future. -
Education14 December 2012Webpage
Human Rights Explained: Defining Human Rights
Defining human rights: Learn about the principles, legal frameworks, and international instruments that protect human dignity and equality. Explore the basics with this fact sheet. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport: where are we?
I'd like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Ngunnawal people, in whose language Canberra means meeting place as you probably know. -
Education14 December 2012Webpage
Human Rights Explained: Human Rights Origins
Explore the origins of human rights, tracing their roots through ancient societies, religions, and philosophies, and understand their enduring impact on modern laws and values. -
Commission – General11 April 2013Project
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights outlines fundamental rights and freedoms for all. Learn more about its impact and significance. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
But people with disability for the most part were either invisible within mainstream education, or invisible because they were excluded and segregated off somewhere else. -
Education5 April 2016Webpage
Bullying and Harassment
Bullying and harassment can be stopped in most situations. Learn what you can do to stop it. Don't stand by, it could be you. -
Rights and Freedoms18 June 2013Webpage
Human rights based approaches
Human rights based approaches transform legal provisions into effective policies, emphasizing freedom and dignity for all. -
Children's Rights27 October 2017Speech
Children’s rights to safety and to a holistic education
Good morning everyone and thank you Katharine O’Donnell, ANZELA National President, for inviting me to be part of what I hear has been a stimulating event to date and to present the Dr Ann Shorten Memorial Lecture. I too would like to acknowledge the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today, the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation, and pay my respects to elders past, present… -
Employers18 February 2015Webpage
Business and Human Rights Factsheets
Explore publications by the Australian Human Rights Commission on how businesses can integrate human rights principles into their business practice. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Commissioners: DR SEV OZDOWSKI, Human Rights Commissioner MRS ROBIN SULLIVAN, Queensland Children's Commissioner PROFESSOR TRANG THOMAS, Professor of Psychology, Melbourne Institute of Technology MS VANESSA LESNIE, Secretary to the Inquiry -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The Disability Discrimination Act Seven Years On
I wrote the title for this presentation almost a year ago when I was first asked to give it. I came back to it two weeks ago to write the actual paper and thought "what does this mean?" -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability Action Plans with State Government Departments
I want to start, though, by talking for a few minutes about the broader legislative context under the Disability Discrimination Act and about what all of this is for in terms of achieving access and inclusion.