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Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Australian Citizenship Bill 2005
At the hearing held 30 January 2006, the Commission took three questions on notice. I am advised that the answers to the Honourable Senators’ questions are as set out below. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice19 May 2014Submission
ALRC: Review of the Native Title Act 1993
Australian Human Rights Commission Submission to the Australian Law Reform Commission ALRC: Review of the Native Title Act 1993 14 May 2014 Downloads Download in PDF Download Word Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Recommendations 3 General Comments 4 The Native Title Act and its consistency with international human rights standards 4.1 The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Report No. 17
This is a Report of the findings and reasons for findings made by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (the Commission) following an inquiry conducted by the Commission. The inquiry related to a complaint by the Asylum Seekers Centre (the Centre) against the Commonwealth of Australia (the Commonwealth), Department of Immigration and Multicultural Affairs (the Department). -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) is an international Catholic organisation whose mission is to accompany, serve and defend the rights of forcibly displaced people. It has a staff of over 600 full time personnel and is at work in over 60 countries. At the present time JRS has active programmes of social support and legal counselling in prisons and detention centres for asylum seekers in about 20… -
Rights and Freedoms18 May 2017Publication
OPCAT in Australia Consultation Paper (2017)
OPCAT in Australia Consultation Paper MAY 2017 Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 What is OPCAT? 2.1 National Preventive Mechanism 2.2 Sub-committee on the Prevention of Torture 3 The NPM model 4 Key issues for consideration 4.1 Stocktake of places of detention 4.2 Definitional issues – what does OPCAT cover? 4.3 Progressive implementation of OPCAT 4.4 Scope of the role of the NPM 4.5… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Transportation of Detained Persons (2010)
I welcome this opportunity to follow up on the Australian Human Rights Commission’s work in the inquest into the death of Mr Ward. Many of the Commission’s submissions were accepted by the Coroner and reflected in his findings and recommendations. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Access and Equity: Inquiry into the responsiveness of Australian Government services to Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse population
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Access and Equity Inquiry Panel in its inquiry into the responsiveness of Australian Government services to Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse population. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Department of Justice and Youth Studies at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology The Department of Justice and Youth Studies (JYS) is part of the Faculty of Education, Language and Community Services (FELCS) at RMIT University. JYS offers undergraduate courses in Criminal Justice Administration and Youth Affairs, as well as Masters by Research and PhD programs. -
14 December 2012Book page
AusHRC 48: Mr CG v State of New South Wales
Pursuant to s 31(b)(ii) of the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth), I attach my report of an inquiry into the complaint made by Mr CG of discrimination in employment on the basis of criminal record by the Rail Corporation New South Wales. -
14 December 2012Book page
Chapter 4: Beyond the Apology - an agenda for healing: Social Justice Report 2008
On 13 February 2008 Prime Minister Kevin Rudd, on behalf of the Australian Parliament, made a historic and long overdue national Apology to the Stolen Generations. With eloquence and emotion, Prime Minister Rudd said what so many Australians have wanted to say, and what so many Indigenous peoples have needed to hear: -
14 December 2012Book page
Building human rights into law and practice - Annual Report 2011-2012: Australian Human Rights Commission
On 25 June 2012, the Australian Parliament passed legislation to establish Australia’s first National Children’s Commissioner. The Commissioner will be a member of the Australian Human Rights Commission. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons Offences) Bill 2004
Your letter of 10 February 2005 invited the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission ('the Commission') to make submissions to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Committee ('the Committee') on the Criminal Code Amendment (Trafficking in Persons) Bill 2004 ('the Bill'). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Sex and Age Discrimination Legislation Amendment Bill 2010 (2010)
the Commission in its Submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee on the inquiry into the effectiveness of the SDA in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality (the Senate Committee); and -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Migration Amendment (Removal of Mandatory Minimum Penalties) Bill 2012
The Commission supports the repeal from the Migration Act 1958 (Cth) (Migration Act) of the mandatory minimum penalties currently applicable to the aggravated offence of people smuggling. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The Commission would like to thank the children and young people who participated in the project and demonstrated great courage in allowing us to hear and tell their often painful and traumatic stories, in a hope that things would change for the better. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders 2012
This submission proposes and outlines a human rights-based response to developing a national approach to the prevention, intervention and management of FASD. -
14 December 2012Book page
Discussion Paper: African Australians: A report on human rights and social inclusion issues (2009)
The Australia of 2009 is a proud multicultural nation. It is a nation, culturally, socially and economically formed by the unique combination of its First Nation peoples, its early settlers, and by the many waves of subsequent migration. As such, negotiating diversity and respecting people of all faiths, races, cultures and identities has evolved into an important characteristic of being a member… -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
On my right is Professor Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and on my left Mrs Robin Sullivan, who is also the Queensland Children's Commissioner. Before the hearing commences I would like to note the following matters. First, the issue of confidentiality and privacy. The Commission believes it is important to respect the privacy of individuals… -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 13
Lots of white kids do get taken away, but that's for a reason - not like us. We just got taken away because we was black kids, I suppose - half-caste kids. If they wouldn't like it, they shouldn't do it to Aboriginal families. Confidential evidence 357, South Australia. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 and Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission)[1] welcomes the opportunity to make this Submission to the Australian Government Review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) (the EOWW Act) and the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (the EOWA).