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Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The best DisCo in town: Towards implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2009)
A very big thank you, in particular, to our colleagues from the Australian Attorney-General's Department and theDepartment of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Mostly, of course, for their work with us, over many years, in advancing the human rights of people with disability, internationally and domestically. But also, for being (as far as I know) the first in the world to refer, officially, to the… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
OHS & HREOC Inquiry
Attorney-General, conference delegates. Before I commence my presentation today I would like to thank Discrimination Alert and Occupational Health News for organising this very important forum to discuss recent changes in law and policy and the impact of these changes on equal employment opportunities for Australians and health and safety in our workplaces. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Stolen Wages
Only about 10% of people potentially affected took part in the consultation process; it was presented as a once only 'take it or leave it' offer, placing considerable stress on people often living in dire economic circumstances; there was a lack of independent legal advice on the implications of accepting the offer; and there was significant confusion as to the purpose of the consultations...[10] -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Chapter 22
Adoption is the transfer, generally by order of a court, of all parental rights and obligations from the natural parent(s) to the adoptive parent(s). In Australia, legal adoption is relatively recent. It was first introduced in 1928 in Victoria, for example. Until very recently adoption involved near-total secrecy, partly in deference to the desire of adoptive parents to present the child as… -
Age Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Age Discrimination: exposing the hidden barrier for mature age workers
Since the introduction of the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth), experiences of age discrimination in employment among mature age workers have featured prominently in the complaints of age discrimination received by the Australian Human Rights Commission. In 2008-09, I undertook a series of consultations with peak bodies including age-based community groups, legal service providers, business… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
4. The Impact of Detention on the well being of children and additional measures and safeguards required in detention facilities (Terms of Reference 4 & 5) -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speeches: Speech at Annual UNAA Day Dinner
I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, the Kaurna people, and pay my respects to their elders past and present. -
14 December 2012Book page
Appendix 1: Case studies
Until December 2009, Ali Jasmin lived with his family in Bala Uring, a small village on the island of Flores, Indonesia. His family bought fish from the local fishermen and sold them at the market. Ali had completed seven years of schooling and worked as a fisherman in a little town not far from his home. -
14 December 2012Book page
A Bad Business - Case Studies
Media Pack Index | Media Release | Launch Speech by Pru Goward | Speech by Nareen Young | Case Studies Fact Sheets: Key Findings | The Complaints Process | Legal Definition of Sexual Harassment | Cost to Employers -
14 December 2012Book page
The discussion paper was commissioned by my predecessor, Dr Blewett, as part of the Federal Government's disability reform agenda. Prepared by Ms Chris Ronalds, with assistance from the Labour Research Centre, the paper addresses the following issues: -
28 November 2014Book page
Teachers can access a series of lesson plans that were created by the Commission to help students build an understanding of human rights issues -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Commission Submission Amicus Curiae - Howe v Qantas
However, if appropriate, and with leave of the Court, the Commissioner reserves the right to make further submissions on legal matters which may arise during the hearing of this matter and after receipt of the respondent’s particularised points of defence. No submissions are to be made in relation to the evidentiary and factual matters that may arise for determination. -
Business and Human Rights30 November 2022Speech
Executive discretion in a time of COVID-19
Responses to the COVID-19 pandemic have required very quick action by governments. But those responses have also involved significant limitations on people’s rights and freedoms, especially freedom of movement, and implemented through executive power often with limited parliamentary involvement. -
Children's Rights30 June 2014Speech
Emerging priorities in my role as National Children’s Commissioner
I am honoured to be invited to participate in the Grand Rounds at the Royal Children’s Hospital. What a Grand title indeed, and it makes me feel a little as though I should be appropriately attired in a white coat with stethoscope. -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Pregnancy Guidelines (2001)
The Pregnancy Guidelines follow the Commission's Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work, Pregnant and Productive: It's a right not a privilege to work while pregnant, commissioned by the federal Attorney-General in August 1998. -
Disability Rights18 March 2013Speech
The DDA 20 Years On: Successes, Lessons and Future Directions (2012)
The DDA 20 Years On: Successes, Lessons and Future Directions 3rd Annual National Disability Summit Paving a future direction for disability policy reform in Australia Melbourne 27 June 2012 Graeme InnesDisability Discrimination Commissioner I acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we meet. At this Summit in 2010, I talked about the crucial roles of a National Disability… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The DDA 20 Years On: Successes, Lessons and Future Directions (2012)
At this Summit in 2010, I talked about the crucial roles of a National Disability Insurance Scheme. They were in moving to a society that respects, protects, promotes and fulfils human rights for people with disability. I used the title Money Changes Everything - But What's Insurance Got to Do with It? -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2005 : Annexure 4 : Chronology of events in native title 1 July 2004 - 30 June 2005
This table includes summaries of every native title determination that occurred during this period, and notable or interesting agreements; it does not include every Indigenous Land Use Agreement (ILUA) registered or other native title agreements made over this period, due to the large volume. A snapshot of applications, determinations and ILUAs from this period is provided at the end of this… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
The aim of this submission is to inform HREOC, at the outset of its Inquiry, of the concerns held about Children in Immigration in Detention, by members of the legal profession in New South Wales. The focus of the submission is limited to the issue of compliance with international and domestic legal obligations. Relevant obligations are outlined, concerns are highlighted and finally,… -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
The Human Rights of Mentally Ill People:the HREOC inquiry and after
I congratulate the Probation and Parole Officers' Association for their initiative in organizing this conference on Mental Health, Criminal Justice and Corrections.