Refine results
27 March 2015Book page
3 Key issues emerging from the consultation
Right to freedom of expression Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion Right to freedom of association Property rights The objective of Rights & Responsibilities 2014 was to actively seek and listen to people’s views across the country about how well their rights and freedoms are protected in Australia. This process provided an opportunity to identify systemic human rights… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 July 2013Webpage
Children in immigration detention page
Learn how the majority of children in immigration detention arrived in Australia by boat and that many came with family members but some arrived alone. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Employment and Disability: Issues Paper 4
There are several different questions that need to be addressed to foster equality of opportunity for people with disabilities in employment. These questions include: -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage
Policies and programs being implemented both within Australia (States/Territories/Federal) and internationally aimed at closing the gap between Aboriginal people and non-Aboriginal people…1 -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Appendix 3
For the `better protection and care of the aboriginal and half-caste inhabitants of the colony' and `for restricting the sale and distribution of opium'. Established positions of regional Protectors and later Chief Protector. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Publication
Partnerships between Indigenous Peoples, governments and civil society
On 15 August 2005, in Brisbane Australia, 160 delegates from the International Engaging Communities conference participated in the UN-sponsored workshop, 'Engaging the Marginalised: Partnerships between Indigenous Peoples, governments and civil society'. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees14 September 2016Publication
Pathways to Protection: A human rights-based response to the flight of asylum seekers by sea
President’s introduction Australia’s policy of sending asylum seekers and refugees to Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island for processing of their claims has been one of the most contentious aspects of Australia’s migration policies. Introduced in 2012, third country processing has been a key plank of successive Australian governments to deter asylum seekers from travelling to Australia by… -
29 January 2013Book page
Appendix G – After Hours Supervision – the Academy Duty Officer System
Formal arrangements for ‘after hours’ staff supervision at ADFA are set out in Chapter 5 the Academy Standing Orders (ASOs). This outlines the Academy Duty Officer System. ADFA advises that other staff are called in as required to deal with issues as they arise. For example, there is a duty padre and a duty psych that are always available by phone, and the DO, DSNCO or OC are called in to… -
Age Discrimination26 May 2016Publication
Willing to Work: Healthy Ageing Paper (2016)
This paper expands on the evidence presented in the Willing to Work Inquiry regarding the link between health and workforce participation. As a critical factor of ongoing workforce participation it is important to analyse how improvements in health and related workplace practices can facilitate and enhance policies aimed at increasing the workforce participation of older people. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
1.1 The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (‘The Commission’) has been invited by the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee (‘the Committee’) to make submissions on the Migration Amendment (Designated Unauthorised Arrivals) Bill 2006 (‘the Bill’). 1.2 The Commission welcomes the opportunity to make this submission and thanks the… -
Education25 February 2015Webpage
Statistics and factsheets on disability rights
Discover statistics on disability rights in Australia. Get the facts and figures you need to better understand human rights and inclusivity. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees14 August 2015Publication
Use of force in immigration detention facilities
The Migration Amendment (Maintaining the Good Order of Immigration Detention Facilities) Bill 2015 (the Bill) would give increased power to ‘authorised officers’ to use force against people (including asylum seekers) in immigration detention facilities. It appears that the majority (if not all) of the authorised officers will be employees of Serco Australia Pty Ltd (Serco), the private company… -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? - Summary Guide: Major findings and recommendations
The Inquiry has found that Australian laws that require the mandatory immigration detention of children, and the way these laws are administered by the Commonwealth, have resulted in numerous and repeated breaches of the Convention on the Rights of the Child. -
14 December 2012Book page
A last resort? - Summary Guide: Glossary and abbreviations
During the period of the Inquiry, immigration detention facilities in Australia were managed for the Department by Australasian Correctional Management, although the Department maintains an official presence at each immigration detention facility. -
14 December 2012Book page
The Sterilisation of Girls and Young Women in Australia
It is common in the legal commentary to refer to child sterilisation as if it is a gender neutral issue, [1] but the overwhelming majority of sterilisations and certainly all the cases heard by relevant Australian courts and tribunals, involve female children with intellectual disabilities. There is social problem at the centre of the debate about sterilisation. -
LGBTIQ+8 April 2014Speech
SDA Amendments
Australian Public Service Human Rights Network -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Launch: Not for Service
In such company my role as Human Rights Commissioner is not to speak as an expert on mental health, but to emphasise the human rights dimensions of the way that we as a nation respond to mental health issues. -
Commission – General14 December 2012Webpage
Violence, Harassment and Bullying and Homelessness
Violence, harassment and bullying can be both a cause and consequence of homelessness. This means that a person may become homeless as a result of family violence and/or be exposed to violence, harassment and bullying because they are homeless. Violence, harassment and bullying are unacceptable in any context and violate a range of human rights. -
5 March 2013Speech
Women in Leadership: Equality and the Business Case
Speech delivered to the 25th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submission to the Senate Committee's inquiry into the stolen generation
Explore a submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission in relation to the Senate Committee's inquiry into the stolen generation.