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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Social Justice and Wellbeing (2010)
I begin today by paying my respects to the Ngunnawal peoples and their elders, whose land we meet on today. I acknowledge their graciousness in sharing their lands and their culture with all those who live and visit here. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Site navigation
I would also like to thank the Law Council of Australia and its Advisory Committee on Indigenous Legal Issues for inviting me to deliver this address, and to take part in the customary law panel discussion later today. -
14 December 2012Book page
DIAC Response to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s 2009 Immigration Detention and Offshore Processing on Christmas Island Report
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) report on Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island following its visit to Christmas Island in July 2009. -
Children's Rights26 June 2019Speech
Speech to NSW & ACT Professional Standards Network
A speech by Megan Mitchell covering The Royal Commission’s recommendations, the connection between those recommendations and the National Principles, work we’re doing at the Australian Human Rights Commission in the Child Safe Organisations project, how religious organisations can implement the National Principles, government responses to the Royal Commission’s recommendations and recent… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice27 November 2015Publication
Social Justice and Native Title Report 2015
Executive Summary I am delighted to present my sixth Social Justice and Native Title Report 2015 as Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. I am required to report every year to Parliament on the exercise and enjoyment of the human rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This also includes reporting on the operation of the Native Title Act 1993 … -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Speech - Launch of Macquarie University’s Disability Action Plan (2012)
Ten years ago I gave the occasional address at a graduation at Sydney University. I accepted the invitation to speak in the Great Hall and then informed the University that - as the platform on which students received their degrees was not accessible for people with mobility disability - I would speak from the floor of the hall. I did that, and told the story of Bradley Kinsella. He had studied… -
Race Discrimination23 July 2015Opinion piece
Forty years of the Racial Discrimination Act
In October 1975, at a ceremony for the proclamation of the Racial Discrimination Act, then Prime Minister Gough Whitlam described the legislation as ‘a historic measure’, which aimed to ‘entrench new attitudes of tolerance and understanding in the hearts and minds of the people’.(1) The Act was Australia’s first federal human rights and discrimination law. Enacted shortly after the formal -
Disability Rights18 March 2013Speech
Access iQ Launch, Media Access Australia (2012)
Access iQ Launch, Media Access Australia Thursday, 19 July 2012 Graeme Innes AM Disability Discrimination Commissioner Australian Human Rights Commission Good morning, I'm Graeme Innes and I tweet. In fact I probably tweet five to six times a day. I get my breaking news on Twitter. I get my cricket updates on Twitter. I even get Alex Varley's soccer results - as well as other useful… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Speeches 2007: 40 years on: what does the ‘Yes’ vote mean for Indigenous Australians?
Anglicare, Tasmania Annual Social Justice Lecture 22 August, 2007 TOM CALMA Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner National Race Discrimination Commissioner Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Protection of the rights of the child in the context of migration (2010)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) is Australia’s national human rights institution, established by the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
The protection of genetic information of Indigenous peoples
This submission is made by the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. It considers the human rights implications of the use of the genetic information of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders (herein, Indigenous peoples) and the adequacy of current levels of protection. -
14 December 2012Book page
Living Spirit - Muslim Women's Project 2006: Report
The project was officially supported by the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia, the Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria, the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Islamic Girls’ and Women's Group, the Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition and Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE. The… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Pregnancy Guidelines (2001)
The Pregnancy Guidelines follow the Commission's Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work, Pregnant and Productive: It's a right not a privilege to work while pregnant, commissioned by the federal Attorney-General in August 1998. -
14 December 2012Book page
Justice: African Australians - Compendium (2010)
While feedback in relation to the legal system was actively sought throughout all of the consultations, a number of targeted consultation sessions with individuals and organisations specifically involved or engaged in the legal system were also undertaken. These included: -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Northern Territory Emergency Response Review Board
The government has an obligation to take action to address violence and abuse, particularly where there is evidence that is it widespread. Governments that fail to do so are in breach of their obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRoC), the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) and the International Convention on… -
Disability Rights1 December 2017Publication
Working towards Equality for People with Disability
In 2016 – 2017, Disability Discrimination Commissioner, Alastair McEwin, spoke to many people with disability about their lives and the changes they need. Based on what he was told, this document outlines the big issues the Commissioner will focus on to improve the lives of people with disability over the next four years. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Dialogues with China and Vietnam (2011)
The Australian Human Rights Commission appreciates the opportunity to provide a submission to the Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Dialogues with China and Vietnam. The Commission does not propose responding to all of the terms of reference. Because the Commission’s direct involvement in the Dialogue process is quite limited, it is not in a position to provide highly insightful… -
Disability Rights25 July 2016Publication
Willing to Work: Good Practice Examples for Employers (2016)
Some employers, particularly small businesses, told us that they would have liked to do more to hire and retain employees with disability and older employees, but were time-poor and had limited resources and access to information. For this reason, we have produced this resource which sets out our recommendations to businesses, examples of existing good practice and a list of available… -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President speeches: The Potential Role of National Human Rights Institutions in the Pacific
This paper advocates that National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) have a very valuable role to play in the Pacific, and that the promotion and protection of human rights in the Pacific would benefit immensely by Pacific nations each establishing a NHRI. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2006: Chapter 7: The Yarrabah Housing Project
Underpinning the Government’s partnerships approach to Indigenous policy is the belief that economic development is the key to sustainable improvement in the quality of life of residents of Indigenous communities.1