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14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice Report 2003: Chapter 2: Reconciliation and government accountability
In the Social Justice Report 1999, my first report as Social Justice Commissioner, I identified four key themes and challenges that existed in the approach of the federal government to Indigenous policy making at the time. These were moving beyond welfare dependency, accountability, participation and reconciliation.[1] Since the release of that report approximately four years ago, the key themes… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Comments by the Australian Human Rights Commission to the United Nations Human Rights Committee on issues relevant to Australia’s fifth periodic report under the ICCPR (2008)
The Australian Human Rights and Commission (the Commission) provides these comments to the United Nations Human Rights Committee (the Committee) in response to the Committee’s request for information relevant to Australia’s fifth periodic report under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR).[1] -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2009: Chapter 3
In my previous two Native Title Reports, I have strongly argued the need to reform the native title system. Stakeholders from all sectors engaged in the native title system have also stressed the need for the Government to take significant steps to ensure that the system meets the original objectives set out in the preamble to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (Native Title Act). -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Submissions to parliaments and law reform bodies - Index by Committee
The Commission seeks to promote and protect human rights through submissions to parliamentary inquiries, government departments and law reform bodies. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
CERD Index
This submission is prepared by Australia's national human rights institution, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). It provides information in relation to the Australian Government's combined 13th and 14th periodic report under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). All of the material contained in this document has… -
14 December 2012Book page
Preventing Crime and Promoting Rights for Indigenous Young People with Cognitive Disabilities and Mental Health Issues Part 3
The literature review pulls together some of the main concepts and findings about Indigenous young people with cognitive disabilities and/ or mental health issues from involvement with the juvenile justice system. However, we are also interested in finding out what is actually happening on the ground for these young people. -
16 May 2013Book page
Chapter 2: Attraction
View Chapter 2 as PDF View Chapter 2 as Word Strategies to attract more women to consider and apply for opportunities within male-dominated industriesThere is a skills shortage in Australia and 45% of Australian employers are having difficulty filling key positions in their organisations. Employers have the most difficulty finding skilled trades people and engineers, both of which have… -
Disability Rights24 April 2024Webpage
Identifying as a person with disability in the workplace
Understand when you might and might not need (or want) to share information about a disability with an employer or potential employer. -
14 December 2012Book page
Recommendations: Social Justice Report 2008
In accordance with the functions set out in section 46C(1) (a) of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth), this report includes ten recommendations on formal protections for Indigenous peoples’ human rights, four recommendations for remote Indigenous education, and one recommendation for Indigenous healing. The report also contains one follow-up action that I will… -
14 December 2012Book page
Employment page
The Disability Discrimination Act makes it unlawful to discriminate against people with disabilities in employment, including recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, and dismissal or termination. -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry on Employment and Disability Interim Report
Issues Paper 3, which was issued on the launch of the Inquiry, discussed the incentives and disincentives regarding employment of people with disability from the perspective of employers. -
Disability Rights10 May 2013Project
Access to justice in the criminal justice system for people with disability
This project focuses on people with disabilities who need communication supports or who have complex and multiple support needs and who have come in contact with the criminal justice system. -
14 December 2012Book page
Our agenda: Commission workplan 2012-2013
Human rights are our entitlements to have our dignity and worth as human beings recognised. We all have them, we all want them recognised in our friends and families, and we all have responsibilities to recognise them in others. -
Sex Discrimination12 January 2019Publication
Have your Say – Conversation Toolkit (2018)
The Commission has developed a toolkit to help interested individuals or groups within Australian workplaces, communities and groups to conduct facilitated conversations to inform the National Inquiry into sexual harassment in Australian workplaces. Anyone can use this toolkit to facilitate a discussion at your workplace, in a community organisation or among a group of friends. -
14 December 2012Book page
Social Justice and Native Title Reports 2005 Launch
The Social Justice Report 2005, Native Title Report 2005 and Community Guide were launched by the Social Justice Commissioner on March 31, 2006 at the Museum of Sydney. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2008 - Chapter 2
In my Native Title Report 2007, I reported on the changes that were made to the native title system during that year. The changes, which were made through two pieces of legislation which amended the Native Title Act, primarily affected: -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - National
Central to ATSIC's submission is a discussion of barriers to effective education for Indigenous students. Ill-health, discrimination and family mobility are among the issues discussed. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Publication
Disability Rights: Not for Service: Index
Not For Service: Experiences of Injustice and Despair in Mental Health Care in Australia is the most significant report on mental health care in Australia for over a decade. In 1992 all Australian Governments initiated the National Mental Health Strategy to correct decades of neglect and assure the rights of people with mental illness. In 1993, the Australian Human Rights Commission's National… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Web accessibility and Government 2.0 (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce - Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper. -
Rights and Freedoms18 November 2022Speech
Housing and human rights - rights where it matters
Sandy Duncanson Memorial Lecture Housing and human rights – rights where it matters Hobart, 11 October 2022 Abstract Homelessness can happen to anyone. People with disability are at an increased risk and they are joined by a growing invisible cohort of older women. COVID-19 was a trigger for state governments to find shelter for people living rough, illustrating that solutions to…