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Race Discrimination14 December 2012Project
In our own words - African Australians: A review of human rights and social inclusion issues (2010)
In 2007, the former Race Discrimination Commissioner, Tom Calma, had a vision to develop a human rights initiative based on the experiences of African Australians, to inform future policy and programs. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 and Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission)[1] welcomes the opportunity to make this Submission to the Australian Government Review of the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Act 1999 (Cth) (the EOWW Act) and the Equal Opportunity for Women in the Workplace Agency (the EOWA). -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway?
The title I have taken for these remarks is "Is there a slow lane on the information superhighway". I fear that by now there may already be something dated or quaint in using the term "information superhighway". I am going to use it anyway, and perhaps make matters of style worse by adding reference to a slow lane, because I think a few important issues are suggested by this… -
Legal26 February 2016Submission
Submission to Inquiry into the Regulatory and Legislative Aspects of Surrogacy Arrangements (2016)
Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Summary 3 Recommendations 4 Surrogacy and human rights 4.1 What is surrogacy? 4.2 Human rights issues in surrogacy arrangements 5 Current regulation of domestic surrogacy in Australia 6 Options for future domestic regulation: increase consistency and certainty domestically 6.1 Previous attempts at national consistency 6.2 Identifying people willing to enter… -
14 December 2012Book page
DIAC Response to the Australian Human Rights Commission’s 2009 Immigration Detention and Offshore Processing on Christmas Island Report
The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) report on Immigration detention and offshore processing on Christmas Island following its visit to Christmas Island in July 2009. -
14 December 2012Book page
The Road So Far – the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) (2011)
When the Age Discrimination Act 2004 (Cth) (the Age Discrimination Act or the Act) was introduced in 2004 it heralded a new era in the recognition of age discrimination in Australia. Subsequently, the Australian Human Rights Commission published a paper ‘Roadmap to the Age Discrimination Act’ which provided an analysis of the Act as it was conceived in 2004.[1] -
22 February 2024Webpage
Free + Equal Human Rights Conference
Hear from Australia's leading human rights advocates about how a Human Rights Act will put all our rights in one place and create a common tool for justice for people in Australia. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Protection of the rights of the child in the context of migration (2010)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) is Australia’s national human rights institution, established by the Australian Human Rights Commission Act 1986 (Cth). -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 December 2012Speech
Social Justice Report 2009 and the Native Title Report 2009 Launch
Good morning, I would like to begin by paying my respects to the Gadigal peoples of the Eora nation, the traditional owners of the land where we gather today. I pay my respects to your elders past and present. And thank you, Allen Madden, for your generous and warm welcome to country for all of us here at Redfern today. -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2005 : Chapter 4 : Leasing on Indigenous land: a human rights appraisal
This report has focused on proposals for the leasing or alienation of Indigenous land, with a specific focus on the Indigenous Land Tenure Principles released by the National Indigenous Council (NIC). The purpose of this Chapter is to discuss these Principles from a human rights perspective, with a particular focus on the right to development. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Australia’s compliance with the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman and Degrading Treatment or Punishment
A. Introduction B. The ratification of OPCAT. C. A new torture offence D. Treatment in Immigration Detention E. A system of complementary protection F. Mechanisms to check diplomatic assurances are honoured G. Engagement with the UN Treaty Body process -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry on Employment and Disability Interim Report
This section of the Interim Report summarises the main issues raised in submissions which relate to the job search phase of employment. Those issues include: -
14 December 2012Book page
Living Spirit - Muslim Women's Project 2006: Report
The project was officially supported by the Federation of Ethnic Communities’ Council of Australia, the Equal Opportunity Commission Victoria, the Ethnic Communities’ Council of Victoria, the Islamic Council of Victoria, the Islamic Girls’ and Women's Group, the Centre for Multicultural Youth Issues, the Victorian Immigrant and Refugee Women’s Coalition and Goulburn Ovens Institute of TAFE. The… -
14 December 2012Book page
Ismaع - Listen: Strategies Document
As part of the Ismaع project, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (the Commission) investigated existing initiatives that address anti-Arab or anti-Muslim prejudice at a local, state and federal level across Australia. We conducted research and requested information about current initiatives from seven federal government agencies, 37 state and territory government agencies … -
Commission – General7 November 2023Publication
Annual Report 2022-23
The Australian Human Rights Commission has been through a period of great change this financial year. Dedicated focus on governance enhancements and improving financial management has placed the Commission in a more positive financial position than it has been in recent years. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
CERD Index
This submission is prepared by Australia's national human rights institution, the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC). It provides information in relation to the Australian Government's combined 13th and 14th periodic report under the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (ICERD). All of the material contained in this document has… -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Publication
Pregnancy Guidelines (2001)
The Pregnancy Guidelines follow the Commission's Report of the National Inquiry into Pregnancy and Work, Pregnant and Productive: It's a right not a privilege to work while pregnant, commissioned by the federal Attorney-General in August 1998. -
Business and Human Rights22 December 2021Media Release
Australian and New Zealand Human Rights Commissions and FIFA publish Human Rights Risk Assessment ahead of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™
The Australian Human Rights Commission, the New Zealand Human Rights Commission along with FIFA have today published a Human Rights Risk Assessment for the next FIFA Women's World Cup, to be held in Australia and Aotearoa New Zealand in 2023. The assessment examined the potential human rights impact of the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023™ on players, spectators, workers and local communities in … -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice8 July 2019Speech
Maranguka Education, Employment and Training Community Summit
Acknowledgements Jalangurru lanygu balangarri. Yaningi warangira ngindaji yuwa muwayi ingirranggu, Ngemba yani U. Yaningi miya ngindaji Muwayi ingga winyira ngarragi thangani. Yathawarra, wilalawarra jalangurru ngarri guda. Good day everyone. I acknowledge the traditional owners, the Ngemba peoples, of the land we meet on today. This is the first time the ears of this land hears my language… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2009: Chapter 3
In my previous two Native Title Reports, I have strongly argued the need to reform the native title system. Stakeholders from all sectors engaged in the native title system have also stressed the need for the Government to take significant steps to ensure that the system meets the original objectives set out in the preamble to the Native Title Act 1993 (Cth) (Native Title Act).