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14 December 2012Book page
It's About Time - Chapter 7
7.1 Introduction 7.2 What children want and need 7.3 Early childhood education and care services and children's wellbeing 7.4 Government provision of early childhood education and care services 7.5 How do we make child care services more family-friendly? 7.6 Making early childhood education and care services more accessible for parents and children with disability 7.7 Integration of child care… -
Commission – General18 February 2015Webpage
Senate File Listing - 1 July 2014 - 31 December 2014
Previous reports FileId: 2011/58-4 Create Date 10-Sep-2014 Name: MALE CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE Title:HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLIANCE - SAGEPOLICY FileId: 2011/58-5 Create Date 20-Oct-2014 Name: MALE CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE Title:HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLIANCE - SAGEPOLICY FileId: 2011/58-6 Create Date 20-Oct-2014 Name: MALE CHAMPIONS OF CHANGE Title:HUMAN RIGHTS COMPLIANCE - SAGEPOLICY FileId: 2011/58-7 Create Date… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Human rights issues for rural families: Chris Sidoti (1998)
Families, and those who support them, play a vital role in the protection of human rights. Accordingly, I am very pleased to address this conference, and I commend all of you for your work in preserving and strengthening families. -
14 December 2012Book page
17. Major Findings and Recommendations of the Inquiry
In addition to the detailed findings in each of Chapters 5-16, the Inquiry has made the following major findings in relation to Australia's mandatory immigration detention system as it applied to children who arrived in Australia without a visa (unauthorised arrivals) over the period 1999-2002. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Electoral and Referendum Amendment Bill 2005
1. The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (the Commission) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Senate Finance and Public Administration Committee on the Electoral and Referendum Amendment (Electoral Integrity and Other Measures) Bill 2005 (the Bill). -
Legal27 October 2014Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the Convention Against Torture
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the Convention Against Torture Submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission 17 October 2014 Download PDF Download Word Table of Contents 1 Introduction 2 Statutory powers of the Australian Human Rights Commission 3 Independent monitoring and inspection mechanisms, including ratification of the Optional Protocol 4 Domestic… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2002: Discrimination and native title
The resolution of the debate as to whether the extinguishment of native title by the common law and the Native Title Act 1993 (Cwlth) (NTA) is racially discriminatory, depends upon the interpretation given to its two essential components: extinguishment and discrimination. The interpretation that the High Court has given to the extinguishment provisions of the NTA and its relationship… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill (No 2) 2009 (Cth) (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) welcomes the opportunity to make this submission to the Senate Standing Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs (the Committee) in its Inquiry into the Native Title Amendment Bill (No 2) 2009 (Cth) (the Bill). -
Legal2 August 2017Submission
Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017
The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (Cth) introduced by the Australian Government. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality (2008)
(1) Support a two-stage inquiry process for the SDA, with some amendments made now to the existing law (Recommendations), and the rest completed within three (3) years (Options for Reform) -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality (2008)
(1) Support a two-stage inquiry process for the SDA, with some amendments made now to the existing law (Recommendations), and the rest completed within three (3) years (Options for Reform) -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
On my right is Professor Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and on my left Mrs Robin Sullivan, who is also the Queensland Children's Commissioner. Before the hearing commences I would like to note the following matters. First, the issue of confidentiality and privacy. The Commission believes it is important to respect the privacy of individuals… -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2003 : Chapter 1
Australia is a wealthy nation. In 2003, Australia ranked fourth in the United Nations Human Development Index (1) indicating Australians enjoyed one of the highest qualities of life in the world. Overall, Australia ranks equal fourth with the highest life expectancy at birth (79.0 years) suggesting Australians are among the healthiest people in the world. (2) -
14 December 2012Book page
Native Title Report 2003 : Chapter 2 : Native Title Policy - State and Commonwealth profiles
Human rights principles require that Indigenous people's relationships to land, based on traditional laws and customs, be given legal recognition and protection. International legal principles also recognise that Indigenous peoples have economic, social and cultural human rights. Native title, as it is constructed through the Australian legal system, has a limited capacity to meet these human… -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Web accessibility and Government 2.0 (2009)
The Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) makes this submission to the Government 2.0 Taskforce - Towards Government 2.0: An issues paper. -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
DR OZDOWSKI: It is 9.30 so we will start another day off, formal hearings. My name is Dr Sev Ozdowski and I'm the Human Rights Commissioner. To my right is Dr Trang Thomas, Professor of Psychology at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology and to my left Mrs Robin Sullivan, Queensland's Children's Commissioner. Both of them do assist me with the Inquiry as Assistant Commissioners. Also, on my… -
Children's Rights19 February 2015Speech
Ever seen or heard? The voice of children in family law
16th National Family Law Conference Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege to be here today at the 16th National Family Law Conference. Thank you Judge Bauman for the kind introduction. I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land we meet on, and I pay my respects to their elders both past and present. I would like to thank Maureen Schull … -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
MR BROMWICH: Commissioner, before we start, I have been asked to place a concern on the record and I don't mean this to be in any sense a personal matter but it will have that flavour, I suppose. I've been asked to express a concern that there be no repeat of the sarcasm and personal attacks that were on occasions made yesterday. Commissioner, we are not aware that there has been the same… -
Children's Rights15 December 2014Speech
Ever seen or heard? The voice of children in family law
16th National Family Law Conference Wednesday 8 October 2014 Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it is a privilege to be here today at the 16th National Family Law Conference. Thank you Judge Bauman for the kind introduction. I would like to start by acknowledging the traditional owners of the land we meet on, and I pay my respects to their elders both past and present. I would like… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice1 March 2016Publication
Toomelah Report (1988)
The Toomelah community of five hundred Aboriginal people endures appalling living conditions which amount to a denial to them of the most basic rights taken for granted by most other groups in society, and by other Australian communities of similar size. Their houses are substandard and overcrowded, actually contributing to a range of diseases. The community has for decades lived without an…