Refine results
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The respondent provided accommodation to the complainant, who was a distant relative from overseas. The complainant alleged the respondent sexually harassed her, including by making sexual comments, sending sexual text messages, showing her pornographic images and saying he would not have invited her to come live with him if he knew she would not have sex with him. On being informed of the … -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is a woman and alleged the respondent bowls club did not admit women as full members. The bowls club claimed that its constitution empowered and allowed its male-only committee to deny women full membership to the club. The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the club accept the Complainant’s application for full membership and an acknowledgement by the club that… -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is a transgender woman. She alleged that a staff member of the respondent supermarket told her she was not a woman and laughed at her for wearing a dress. On being advised of the complaint, the supermarket indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the supermarket apologise to the complainant for… -
Disability Rights3 May 2024Webpage
Employment for people with disability in Australia
Explore statistics on disability employment and education in Australia and the facts about disability discrimination. -
Disability Rights3 May 2024Webpage
The benefits of employing people with disability
Learn about the business and economic advantages of employing people with disability as well as those for society and individuals. -
LGBTIQ+15 August 2023Media Release
Commission welcomes resolution in Census inclusion complaint
The Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) today welcomes the resolution of a discrimination complaint brought against the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) over the 2021 Census. The complaint, filed with the AHRC by community organisation Equality Australia and individual April Long, argued that the survey failed to ask meaningful questions to properly count members of the LGBTIQA+ -
Sex Discrimination10 August 2023Project
The Positive Duty under the Sex Discrimination Act
The Commission has developed resources to help organisations and businesses understand their new legal responsibilities under the Sex Discrimination Act. -
Disability Rights30 April 2024Webpage
Economic and Business Benefits of Employing People with Disability
Learn about the benefits of employing people with disability for businesses, organisations and the economy. -
Disability Rights30 April 2024Webpage
Disability and employment in Australia
Learn the facts about education, employment and disability discrimination in Australia. -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s sex assigned at birth was female but they identify as non-binary/gender-fluid and is attracted to women. The complainant wished to attend an event hosted by the respondent. The website stated that the dress code was formal and that women must wear a dress and men must wear pants. The complainant alleged the respondent declined their request to wear a shirt and pants. The -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant is Sikh and Punjabi and wears a turban over his unshorn hair. He alleged the respondent university required him to wear the graduation trencher hat in order to participate in his graduation ceremony. The complainant said he could not fit the trencher over his turban and could not remove the turban for religious and practical reasons. He alleged university staff were rude and … -
Business and Human Rights23 February 2021Project
Roundtable and Joint Civil Society Statement on Business and Human Rights (2016)
In March 2016, the Australian Government announced its intention to undertake a national consultation on the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs). On 25 May 2016, the Australian Human Rights Commission co-hosted a roundtable with the Human Rights Law Centre on implementing the UNGPs in Australia. The roundtable involved key civil society… -
Commission – General19 September 2023News story
Opportunities to lead Australia’s human rights work
The Attorney-General’s Department is seeking expressions of interest from human rights leaders and experts for two key roles at the Commission – President, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner. The current position holders President Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM and Commissioner June Oscar AO will end their tenures in July and April 2024… -
Commission – General4 August 2023News story
New guidelines for Commission appointments
New guidelines to ensure Commission appointments are merit-based and transparent have been published by the Attorney-General. -
Rights and Freedoms18 September 2023Submission
Australia's Sixth Periodic Review
Learn more about the Commission's update to the Committee against Torture on the implementation of recommendations from their Concluding Observations. -
8 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s son has fragile X syndrome and an intellectual disability and needs assistance when handling money, paying bills and accessing his bank account. The complainant had been assisting her son with his banking at the respondent bank and claimed the bank told her that third-party authorisation would continue after he turned 18. She alleged that when her son turned 18, the bank… -
Technology and Human Rights26 October 2023Submission
Identity Verification Services
Learn more about the Identity Verification Services Bill 2023 and Identity Verification Services (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice28 May 2020Project
NILAC: National Indigenous Legal Advocacy Courses
The NILAC courses were transferred to Tranby - the National Indigenous Adult Education and Training Centre. Contact Tranby for more information on these courses. -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant alleged the respondent beauty parlour refused to give her a foot massage because she was pregnant. On being notified of the complaint the beauty parlour indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the beauty parlour update its policies and procedures with respect to services provided to pregnant… -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is homosexual and worked for the respondent university. He claimed a colleague told another colleague that the complainant was sending him ‘gross’ photos and that he did not want to work with the complainant because of his sexual orientation. The complainant alleged that the university terminated his contract when he asked not to be allocated shifts with the colleague. The