Refine results
6 February 2015Book page
Appendix 1 – Review of detention policy and practices 2004–2014
1.1 Overview 1.2 Key findings and recommendations from A last resort? 1.3 Key legislative and policy changes 1.4 New Directions in Detention policy 1.5 Third country processing 1.6 Indefinite detention on Christmas Island 1.7 Rapid offshore processing after September election 2013 1.8 Other policy decisions 1.9 Implementation of policy 1.10 Numbers and length of detention of children 2004 –… -
14 December 2012Book page
National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
2. I was employed between August 2000 and February 2001 by Australasian Correctional Management (ACM) at the Woomera Immigration Reception and Processing Centre (WIRPC) as a registered nurse. -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Notice of application for temporary exemption: Regional Express
The Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission has received an application (attached in MS Word format) from Regional express airlines (Rex) requesting exemption from sections 23 and 24 of the Disability Discrimination Act so far as to permit Rex placing certain restrictions and requirements on the carriage of passengers with specific disabilities on its SAAB aircraft. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Disability images and human reality
The electronic mass media are among the most powerful influences on people's lives today. You who work in the media shape our view of the world and of each other. Through media exposure we get access to a vast range of life situations that go far beyond what any one of us could personally experience. -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
Innes: Special Education Leaders Conference
I'd also like to acknowledge, as I have done at similar conferences previously, what I have owed personally to people in education in NSW. Education with the support of many great education professionals together with support from family and friends to achieve my goals is why I am in the position I hold now. I compare that to the position of many blind and vision impaired people, facing over 80… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission Website: National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention
Respect for the human person entails respect for the rights that flow from his [sic] dignity as a creature. These rights are prior to society and must be recognised by it. They are the basis of the moral legitimacy of every authority; by flouting them, or refusing to recognise them in its positive legislation, a society undermines its own moral legitimacy Catechism of the Catholic Church,… -
14 December 2012Book page
President and Commissioners - Annual Report 2011-2012: Australian Human Rights Commission
The Hon. Catherine Branson was appointed President of the Australian Human Rights Commission on 7 August 2008 and commenced her five year term on 14 October 2008. On 12 July 2009 she additionally became the Human Rights Commissioner. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees9 October 2019Media Release
Court finds asylum seekers entitled to fair process
Up to 71 asylum seekers who missed out on making an application for a protection visa were still entitled to a fair assessment of their claims the Full Federal Court has held. The Court accepted submissions from the Australian Human Rights Commission that an internal process established by the Department of Home Affairs should have provided them with procedural fairness. As a result of the … -
14 December 2012Book page
HREOC Annual Report 2003-2004 : Chapter 5: Legal Services
The primary responsibilities of the Legal Section are to assist the President or their delegate in the preparation of notices and reports under the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 (Cth); to act as counsel or instructing solicitor for the Commission in interventions and amicus curiae matters; to assist the Commission in work arising from legislation or bills raising human… -
11 February 2014Book page
3 Police, courts and corrections – the issues
3.1 General findings In our consultations the Commission received information from people with disabilities and their advocates, support services in the community and in government and people in the police, courts and the custody and release system. The Commission also received many submissions and held a number of meetings with community members and public officials who work in or with the … -
Sex Discrimination14 December 2012Speech
Peeling the inequality onion
This paper considers national and international legislative and other provisions regarding equality for women in the labour market. Australia ranks second to Sweden in terms of pay equity. It is argued that over the last two decades of global shifts to labour market decentralism and deregulation, Australian women have fared relatively well. Three fundamental reasons stand out: -
Disability Rights14 December 2012Speech
I make this acknowledgment in all my public presentations around Australia, not only because I believe that it is good manners to do so, but also because recognising the indigenous history of this land is an important element in recognising the truth of our diversity as a people. -
Disability Rights11 September 2019Speech
Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities briefing with civil society (2019)
22nd Session of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities briefing with civil society, Monday, 9 September 2019 Geneva, Palais des Nations Room XVII Opening Statement of Australian Human Rights Commission Dr Ben Gauntlett, Disability Discrimination Commissioner Thank you, Mr Chairman. I welcome the opportunity to make this … -
Commission – General14 December 2012Speech
President Speech: What does it mean to believe in human rights in Australia today?
I would like to begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of this land, the Pambalong clan of the Awabakal people, and pay my respect to their elders, past and present. Today I would like to explore the question: ‘What does it mean to believe in human rights in Australia today?’ This is an ambitious project, and I am aware that the question does not have a short and simple answer. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Speech
Beyond Bush Talks: Chris Sidoti (2000)
Thank you for inviting me to speak today. It is almost a year since I spoke about the Human Rights Commission's Bush Talks consultations at the 1999 national conference of the Australian Association of Rural Nurses in Adelaide. I spoke in particular about some of the health concerns raised in the consultations. Today I would like to look beyond Bush Talks in more detail at some of the areas of… -
Rights and Freedoms20 October 2017Speech
Research by Government Reform Bodies involving Vulnerable People and Populations
Ethics Training Day: Dealing with Vulnerability Princeton Room, Bond University, 14 University Drive, Robina, Qld CHECK AGAINST DELIVERY Introduction I represent an organisation that works extensively with people who can be part of “vulnerable populations”. My background is as a human rights lawyer. While human rights and human ethics are not the same thing, there are some important cross… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice21 November 2022Publication
Wiyi Yani U Thangani First Nations Women’s Safety Policy Forum Outcomes Report November 2022
The Forum brought over 150 participants together including First Nations community members, practitioners, researchers, specialist experts and government participants to consider how to address the root causes and drivers of violence. -
Legal27 August 2019Publication
Mr TA and Miss TB v Commonwealth of Australia
Mr TA and Miss TB v Commonwealth of Australia (Department of Home Affairs) [2019] AusHRC 132 Report into arbitrary interference with family and failure to consider the best interests of the child -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality (2008)
(1) Support a two-stage inquiry process for the SDA, with some amendments made now to the existing law (Recommendations), and the rest completed within three (3) years (Options for Reform) -
Legal14 December 2012Webpage
Inquiry into the effectiveness of the Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) in eliminating discrimination and promoting gender equality (2008)
(1) Support a two-stage inquiry process for the SDA, with some amendments made now to the existing law (Recommendations), and the rest completed within three (3) years (Options for Reform)