Refine results
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s sex assigned at birth was female but they identify as non-binary/gender-fluid and is attracted to women. The complainant wished to attend an event hosted by the respondent. The website stated that the dress code was formal and that women must wear a dress and men must wear pants. The complainant alleged the respondent declined their request to wear a shirt and pants. The -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant is from Sri Lanka and was employed as a casual team member at the respondent supermarket. He alleged the respondent manager reduced his shifts while employing new Anglo-Saxon/white Australian staff. He also alleged Anglo-Saxon/white Australian staff were allocated less onerous duties, such as selling cigarettes and newspapers and monitoring self-checkout counters as opposed… -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant is Sikh and Punjabi and wears a turban over his unshorn hair. He alleged the respondent university required him to wear the graduation trencher hat in order to participate in his graduation ceremony. The complainant said he could not fit the trencher over his turban and could not remove the turban for religious and practical reasons. He alleged university staff were rude and … -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant has schizophrenia and a back injury and was employed in an IT role with the respondent government agency. He alleged he was treated less favourably because he has schizophrenia, including by being excluded from the workplace, being given excessive work to perform at home, having his personal property tampered with and being referred to as ‘weird’. He also alleged the agency… -
14 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant has macula degeneration, which causes vision loss. The respondent transportation company terminated the complainant’s employment as an engineer at the end of his probation period. The complainant alleged the company failed to provide him with timely feedback on his performance and failed to provide him with adjustments to enable him to perform the inherent requirements of his… -
Children's Rights27 July 2021Opinion piece
Protect children from data surveillance
Even before birth, Australian children are the targets of technology that collects their data and threatens their privacy – but right now we have an opportunity to protect them and future generations. Parents who use pregnancy apps or share ultrasounds on social media can expect information about their children to be collected and sold to advertisers for profit. Once a child is born, baby… -
Rights and Freedoms28 June 2020Media Release
Implementing OPCAT in Australia released
The Commission has today released recommendations for how Australia should implement the Optional Protocol to the Convention Against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT). Implementing OPCAT in Australia is the final step in the Commission’s consultation process with civil society, inspectorate and monitoring bodies, and a number of state and territory… -
8 April 2022Conciliation register
The complainant’s son has fragile X syndrome and an intellectual disability and needs assistance when handling money, paying bills and accessing his bank account. The complainant had been assisting her son with his banking at the respondent bank and claimed the bank told her that third-party authorisation would continue after he turned 18. She alleged that when her son turned 18, the bank… -
30 April 2021Webpage
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Disability Rights8 May 2019Media Release
Media Statement - Draft Terms of Reference for the Disability Royal Commission
Media Statement from Alastair McEwin, Australian Disability Discrimination Commissioner I welcome today’s release of the draft terms of reference for the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability and the government’s commitment to establish a Royal Commission. I am pleased that the draft terms of reference propose a broad scope for the Royal -
Race Discrimination8 May 2019Media Release
National Consultations with Australian Muslims
The Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan will today announce a series of national consultations with the Muslim community in Australia about their experiences of hate speech and violence and about their ideas for change. Commissioner Tan will make the announcement at a Harmony Day Event in Sydney. “In the aftermath of the horrific attacks in Christchurch, I want to hear the voices of… -
Rights and Freedoms12 December 2019Media Release
Human Rights Award medal announced today
A former Socceroo, a disability rights activist, the author of best-seller Dark Emu, a leading business consultant, and a campaigning lawyer from Queensland are waiting to hear if they will be awarded the prestigious Human Rights Award medal on Friday. The winners in all nine categories of the Australian Human Rights Commission’s annual Human Rights Awards will be announced today at a… -
Disability Rights30 July 2020Publication
Access under Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport
These Guidelines have been developed by the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) to provide clear and practical assistance to facilitate compliance with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Cth) (the Transport Standards) through the use of equivalent access. -
28 January 2021Webpage
Free eLearning courses
Learn how to promote human rights in this eLearning course, which provides an overview of human rights, from their history to the current challenges. -
Age Discrimination1 March 2021Media Release
Statement on the Aged Care Royal Commission report
The Australian Human Rights Commission welcomes the publication of the final report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. Following the findings and recommendations in the report, released today, the Commission would like to see the human rights of older people embedded in the planning, provision and monitoring of aged care services in Australia. “Older people have the… -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant has a hearing impairment and alleged the respondent subscription broadcaster did not offer closed captions, meaning he was unable to access programs. The broadcaster advised it was in the process of introducing closed captioning in its broadcasts. The broadcaster indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation. The complaint was resolved with an… -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The respondent provided accommodation to the complainant, who was a distant relative from overseas. The complainant alleged the respondent sexually harassed her, including by making sexual comments, sending sexual text messages, showing her pornographic images and saying he would not have invited her to come live with him if he knew she would not have sex with him. On being informed of the … -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is a woman and alleged the respondent bowls club did not admit women as full members. The bowls club claimed that its constitution empowered and allowed its male-only committee to deny women full membership to the club. The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the club accept the Complainant’s application for full membership and an acknowledgement by the club that…