Refine results
Rights and Freedoms31 August 2020Submission
Review of the ‘declared areas’ provisions (2020)
The Commission considers that the declared areas provisions place significant restrictions on the human rights of persons affected by them. -
2 July 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is blind. His employer offered him the opportunity to participate in a postgraduate leadership program delivered by the respondent not-for-profit organisation. The complainant said he informed the organisation of his disability on enrolment and requested adjustments to accommodate his disability, including the provision of reading materials in an accessible format. The… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice17 January 2019Media Release
Wiyi Yani U Thangani - this is your time to have your say
The Social Justice Commissioner June Oscar AO is calling for submissions from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women and girls and key organisations for the Wiyi Yani U Thangani (Women’s Voices) project. As part of the project, Commissioner Oscar and her team have so far visited more than 40 communities and have heard from more than 1800 women and girls across the country in urban,… -
Rights and Freedoms17 January 2019Media Release
Finalists announced – 2018 Human Rights Law Award
The five finalists for the 2018 Human Rights Awards’ Law Award have been selected, with two from Western Australia competing for the prize. “We have received the highest number of entries for the Law Award since the Human Rights Awards the awards began in 1987,” said Commission President, Professor Rosalind Croucher. Accessing legal services remains a major hurdle for disadvantaged… -
Legal5 February 2019Submission
ParentsNext, including its trial and subsequent broader rollout (2019)
ParentsNext is a compulsory ‘pre-employment’ program applied to targeted recipients of the Parenting Payment. It can result in the suspension, reduction or permanent cancellation of a person’s Parenting Payment for non-compliance. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice29 May 2019Opinion piece
Indigenous Australians can be bystanders no longer
Two years ago, we gathered in the red dust for a ceremony at Uluru and offered a gift to all Australians. There was a great sense of hope about what this gift could deliver. A new beginning, an opportunity to re-define who we are as a country. A country that celebrates its First Peoples and resets the relationship between all Australians for a better future. Despite the recent setbacks and… -
Age Discrimination3 March 2020Project
Age Discrimination in Employment
The right to work is a fundamental human right, but one that far too many older people in Australia do not enjoy. -
Rights and Freedoms31 January 2020Media Release
Commission warns on Religious Discrimination Bill overreach
In its submission on the latest draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill, the Australian Human Rights Commission warns that elements of the Bill are inconsistent with international human rights law. The Commission is particularly concerned that exemptions for ‘statements of belief’ in the Bill would override existing federal, state and territory discrimination laws on grounds such as race,… -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant worked as a childcare worker for the respondent childcare centre. She developed a pregnancy-related medical condition and asked for adjustments to accommodate her condition, including reduced hours and weightlifting restrictions. She said these requests were accommodated initially. However, she alleged that after a period of leave, she was informed that on her return, she… -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant was employed with the respondent investment firm as a business partner in corporate trust. She alleged that while she was on maternity leave to have her third child, the firm employed someone to permanently fill her role without consulting her or discussing her return to work. She said that when she sought to return to work on a part-time basis, the firm asked her to move to… -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant worked for the respondent real estate agency and alleged her manager sexually harassed her, including by touching her on the legs and thighs, massaging her shoulders and making sexually explicit comments. She alleged that after she complained about the conduct, the agency victimised her by removing her from two projects as lead agent and performance managing her. She further … -
11 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant says he is homosexual and worked as a dispute officer with the respondent bank. He alleged a colleague made numerous comments about his sexuality and asked him if he was sexually involved with another male colleague. The complainant said he told his colleague that the comments made him uncomfortable and asked him to stop. He alleged his colleague did not take his request… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant is from China and claimed that when she contacted the respondent law enforcement agency to report an incident of domestic violence, she was not provided with a Mandarin language interpreter, despite requesting one. She alleged her claim was not adequately investigated and she was not assisted to find safe accommodation because she was unable to effectively communicate with -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant was employed as a store manager with the respondent retailer and injured his collar bone in a non-work-related incident. He said he was deemed unfit for any duties for four weeks and then fit for duties with restrictions on what weight he was able to lift. The complainant alleged the retailer and its owner would not allow him to return to work until he was fit to resume all… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant has strabismus (is ‘cross-eyed’) and was employed by a labour-hire company to work at the respondent insurance company. He alleged a colleague would make fun of him and his disability, mimic him to other staff by crossing her eyes and berate him. He said he raised concerns about this conduct with a manager and was told this was his fault because he was not a good fit for the… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant took time off work with the respondent government authority and was diagnosed with motor-neurone disease. He said he contacted the authority to discuss a return to work and asked if the office was wheelchair accessible, given he now used a wheelchair for mobility. He alleged the authority required him to prove his diagnosis even though he had already provided a medical… -
10 February 2021Conciliation register
The complainant’s 15-year-old son has Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention-Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder and can become distressed when in crowded and noisy environments. The complainant claimed he was unable to take his son to a multi-day agricultural show because organisers did not schedule a day with reduced noise and crowds in order to accommodate the needs of people with…