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Legal1 December 2014Publication
PJ v AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited
Explore a report into discrimination in employment on the basis of a criminal record in the case of PJ v AMP Financial Planning Pty Limited. -
Race Discrimination5 November 2015Publication
Freedom from Discrimination: Report on the 40th anniversary of the Racial Discrimination Act
This report documents the activities conducted to mark the 40th anniversary of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth). It is primarily based on a series of public consultations led by the Race Discrimination Commissioner, though it also draws upon some of the research presented at a conference held in February 2015. -
Legal11 February 2016Submission
Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Powers) Bill 2015
Explore the submission on the Law Enforcement Legislation Amendment (Powers) Bill 2015. -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
JA v Commonwealth (Department of Defence)
View a report into arrest, detention, treatment in detention, interference with privacy and attacks on reputation in the care of JA v Commonwealth. -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Swamy v Percival
Explore a report by the Commission into unlawful discrimination in employment based on religion in the case of Swamy v Percival. -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Stevanovic v Commonwealth (DIAC)
View a report into arbitrary deprivation of the right to enter Australia and freedom from interference in the case of Stevanovic v Commonwealth. -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Parker v Commonwealth (DIAC)
View a report into detention not in accordance with law and freedom from interference with the family in the case of Parker v Commonwealth. -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Ogawa v Commonwealth (DIAC)
View a report into arbitrary detention in the case of Ogawa v Commonwealth (Department of Immigration and Citizenship). -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Abdellatif v Commonwealth (DIBP)
[2014] AusHRC 70 - Abdellatif v Commonwealth (DIBP) -
Legal1 December 2014Publication
FA, FB, FC and FD v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
View a report into arbitrary detention and the failure to consider less restrictive forms in the case of FA, FB, FC and FD v Commonwealth of Australia. -
Legal1 December 2014Publication
HA, HB, HC, HD and HE v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP)
View a report into arbitrary detention in the case of HA, HB, HC, HD and HE v Commonwealth of Australia (DIBP). -
Commission – General13 November 2014Publication
Annual Report 2013-14
The role of the Australian Human Rights Commission is to see that human rights and fundamental freedoms are understood and respected in law, policy and practice. The Commission is independent from government, with a legislative mandate, and recognised internationally as an ‘A status’ national human rights institution. We strive to resolve complaints, encourage positive law reform and build a… -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees14 September 2016Publication
Pathways to Protection: A human rights-based response to the flight of asylum seekers by sea
President’s introduction Australia’s policy of sending asylum seekers and refugees to Nauru and Papua New Guinea’s Manus Island for processing of their claims has been one of the most contentious aspects of Australia’s migration policies. Introduced in 2012, third country processing has been a key plank of successive Australian governments to deter asylum seekers from travelling to Australia by… -
Legal26 July 2017Submission
Information concerning Australia’s compliance with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2017)
Submission by the Australian Human Rights Commission to the UN Committee on Economic Social and Cultural Rights -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Mansoor and Mr IA v Commonwealth (DIBP)
View a report into arbitrary detention in the case of Mansoor and Mr IA v Commonwealth (Department of Immigration and Border Protection). -
Legal4 September 2014Publication
Johansson v Masonic Homes Inc
Explore a report into unlawful discrimination in employment based on a criminal record in the case of Johansson v Masonic Homes Inc. -
Disability Rights12 January 2016Submission
Submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee Inquiry into the Social Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2015
Explore the submission to the Senate Community Affairs Legislation Committee inquiry on social issues. -
Asylum Seekers and Refugees20 December 2013Publication
Tell Me About: Temporary Protection Visas
Learn about temporary protection visas for asylum seekers and their implications. -
Children's Rights10 December 2013Publication
Children's Rights Report 2013
The Report examines the key international human rights treaty on children’s rights, the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), and its implementation in Australia. Current statistics are used in the report to show how children are faring in Australia. The Report also refers to the outcomes of the Big Banter national listening tour. -
Commission – General27 January 2015Publication
2014 Diversity Strategy
As the body with a statutory responsibility to ensure the observance of human rights in Australia, it is important that respect and acceptance of diversity is an integral part of our own workplace. Diversity in our staff is one of our greatest assets and assists us to meet our organisational objectives. Our diversity strategy, for the first time incorporates all of our commitments and…