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14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Tony story
When I was three months old [in 1965] the welfare department sent the police to my grandparents' house. They came armed with a warrant to have me removed. Despite any opposition my fate had been decided. I was taken away. My family were left with the guilt of being accused of child neglect. -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Lance story
Dad died when I was about two. My parents were married, but they often lived apart. When I was a little kid, they gave me to an Uncle and Auntie and the police took me away from them and put me in a Home. I have never been with my brothers and sisters at all. They were also put into the same Home. My brothers and sisters did not know that I existed until a nun said, 'Come and meet your little… -
14 December 2012Book page
Bringing them Home - Graham story
I was adopted as a baby by a white European couple. They were married at the time. They couldn't have children and they'd seen the ads about adoption and were keen to adopt children. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - National
Central to ATSIC's submission is a discussion of barriers to effective education for Indigenous students. Ill-health, discrimination and family mobility are among the issues discussed. -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - NSW
Rural and Remote Education - NSW Submissions Catholic Education Office, Canberra-Goulburn NSW Department of Education and Training Extracts from submissions Indigenous education Non-government schools Teachers and other education workers Accessibility NSW hearings and meetings Bourke, 1 March 1999 Public hearing - summary and transcript Public meeting - summary Secondary students meeting -… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - NT
Rural and Remote Education - NT Submissions NT Department of Education Nambara Schools Council Extracts from submissions Indigenous education NT hearings and meetings Darwin, 10 May 1999 Public hearing - summary and transcript Nguiu, 11 May 1999 Nguiu community meeting - summary Nguiu school meeting - summary Yirrkala and Nhulunbuy, 12 May 1999 Yirrkala community meeting - summary Yirrkala… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - Qld
The Inquiry attended the second annual Croc Eisteddfod in Weipa on Cape York. The two day festival (7-8 July) was attended by 23 Queensland schools and one from NSW (Coonamble High School). The Inquiry met with students from -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - SA
Rural and Remote Education - SA Submissions South Australian Government South Australian Independent Schools Board Extracts from submissions Financial support Technological support Students with disabilities Accessibility Education funding SA hearings and meetings Adelaide, 9 August 1999 Public hearing - summary and transcript Port Lincoln, 10 August 1999 Public hearing - summary and… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - Tasmania
Rural and Remote Education - Tasmania Submissions Tasmanian Government Tasmanian Catholic Education Commission Tasmanian Council of State School Parents and Friends Association Inc. Tasmanian hearings and meetings Devonport, 3 November 1999 Public meeting - notes Secondary students meeting - notes Queenstown, 4 November 1999 Public meeting - notes Secondary students meeting - notes Hobart, 5… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - Victoria
Rural and Remote Education - Victoria Submissions Department of Education, Employment and Training Extracts from submissions Education costs Distance education Information technology Teacher incentives, development and retention Victorian hearings and meetings Bairnsdale, 11 November 1999 Secondary students meeting - summary Koorie workers meeting - summary Public meeting - summary Melbourne… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Rural and Remote Education - WA
Rural and Remote Education - WA Submissions Education Department of WA WA Farmers Federation Extracts from submissions Education funding WA hearings and meetings Billiluna, 14 May 1999 Community meeting - notes School meeting - notes Kununurra, 17 May 1999 Public hearing - summary and transcript Community meeting - notes Secondary student meeting - notes Aboriginal women's meeting - notes… -
14 December 2012Book page
Select Bibliography on Rural and Remote Education in Australia
This bibliography has been prepared by the Rural Education, Research and Development Centre, Townsville, Qld according to guidelines established by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission to assist in its inquiry into aspects of rural and remote school education provision in Australia. It attempts to include highly relevant, more recent, seminal, theoretical and policy-oriented… -
Rights and Freedoms14 December 2012Project
Scoping Survey - Rural and Remote Education Inquiry (1999)
3,128 people responded to the survey by completing questionnaires individually, in groups, on the website or over the phone during a 2-day Phone In in August 1999. More than half (55%) of the respondents were rural and remote students. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
Many country towns are witnessing cutbacks and are finding it difficult to attract health professionals. This is troubling considering that the health of rural and remote Australians continues to be significantly worse than their urban counterparts -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
In 1966 the UN adopted the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), which Australia ratified in 1975. Article 12(a) of ICESCR states, -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
CHAMPS is a project for young people aged between 13 and 18 in the Murraylands Region of South Australia. CHAMPS holds youth forums twice each school term informally discussing youth issues in the area. Thirty young people from different cultural and social backgrounds throughout the region make up the forum. Issues like mental health and peer support are discussed. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
The Remote and Rural Training Unit in Dubbo NSW has taken a proactive approach to two familiar problems that face small rural towns: the departure of young people from country towns and the inability of these towns to attract and retain health care workers. It is well documented that there are severe shortages of trained health professionals in remote and rural regions throughout Australia… -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
Image: Saltwater kids meet Desert kids Young People enjoying what they have learnt from the Desert Acrobats at Ridell Beach, Broome. Photograph by Michael Hutchinson -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
The Program aims to address the many health problems such as poor nutrition, sugar diabetes, cancer and sexually transmitted diseases that are prevalent in Aboriginal communities. -
14 December 2012Book page
Commission WEBSITE: Healthy Community Projects
In 1989 the Association for the Support of Psychiatric Services (ASPS) was established in Warrnambool after a public meeting identified the need for a service to support individuals with a mental illness and their carers. This need was also identified in a study of carers funded by the National Mental Health Funding Scheme and carried out by Lowndes and Harrison in 1993. The report also…