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Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 December 2024Media Release
Queensland Bills a major step backwards for the rights of First Nations people
The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Ms Katie Kiss has warned that legislation introduced by the Queensland Government late last week was “a devastating step backwards for First Nations rights and a blow to respectful relationships between the state government and Indigenous Queenslanders.” The Queensland Parliament repealed the Path to Treaty Act 2023 at… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice10 December 2024Media Release
First Nations children deserve a rights-based future, today
Australia’s First Nations children deserve a brighter future where governments safeguard their wellbeing, rights and dignity, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Katie Kiss said today on International Human Rights Day. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice6 November 2024Opinion piece
The year our Voice broke: The fallout from the failed referendum
“It’s gone.” That’s what Mick Gooda said to me plaintively half an hour into counting the votes to enshrine a First Nations Voice to parliament in our constitution on October 14, 2023. I’d started that day – a year ago today – with a high level of optimism that Australia was going to do this, that Australia would get this right, that Australia would make history. How wrong I was. Instead,… -
Race Discrimination19 December 2024Media Release
Commission delivers interim report on racism at Australian universities
The initial stages of a study about racism at Australian universities being undertaken by the Australian Human Rights Commission have revealed a range of concerns from both students and staff in relation to their experience of racism on university campuses. -
Race Discrimination31 October 2024Media Release
Dismantling systemic racism – perspectives from First Nations peoples
Governments must recognise systemic racism and its devastating impacts on Australia’s First Nations peoples and take urgent action to address it, a new report has found. Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman said, “Systemic racism, in law, policies and service delivery, has serious and ongoing consequences, including poor mental and physical health, economic disadvantage,… -
Race Discrimination6 December 2024Speech
Framework launch speech
The National Anti-Racism Framework launch speech by Giridharan Sivaraman emphasizes the importance of First Nations-centered anti-racism efforts in Australia. -
Race Discrimination29 November 2024Speech
Launch of the National Anti-Racism Framework
Race Discrimination Commissioner Giridharan Sivaraman launched the National Anti-Racism Framework on 26 November at Parramatta Townhall. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice1 November 2024News story
Ending QLD Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry is harmful and divisive
The Queensland Government’s decision to abolish the state’s Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry and repeal its Path to Treaty Act marks a major step backwards for First Nations rights, says Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner Katie Kiss. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice17 July 2024Speech
EMRIP- Australia has not signed federal treaty with Indigenous peoples
Item 5 Statement 17th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP) Thursday 11 July 2024 -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice14 June 2024Speech
4th National Indigenous Empowerment Summit
‘Framing Indigenous empowerment with human rights: using the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples for real change’ Wednesday 12 June 2024 Good Morning All My name is Katie Kiss. I am a proud Kaanju, Biri/Widi woman from North Queensland. I was born and raised on the lands of the Darumbal peoples in Rockhampton, in Central Queensland. Before I begin today, I pay my respects to the … -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice7 September 2023Webpage
United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
Information about the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 August 2023Webpage
Self-determination and Indigenous peoples
Self-determination is an ongoing process of ensuring that peoples are able to make decisions about matters that affect their lives. Essential to the exercise of self-determination is choice, participation and control. The outcomes of self-determining processes must correspond to the free and voluntary choice of the people concerned, including in relation to the Indigenous Voice to Parliament… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice4 August 2023Webpage
Indigenous Rights & the Voice
The Indigenous Voice to Parliament referendum proposes a mechanism that addresses Indigenous peoples’ right to participation in decision making, and the right to consultation with government. The Voice could also promote the realisation of other human rights for Indigenous peoples, including to ensure the full realisation of rights to health, education, housing and the protection of Indigenous… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice11 October 2024Webpage
Informing The Agenda Consultations
Informing the Agenda Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioners Term 2024-2029 Katie Kiss commenced in the role as the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner on 3 April 2024. To ensure the voices of First Nations people across Australia help form the agenda for the term, the Commissioner is conducting a national listening tour to hear from… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice10 July 2024Speech
EMRIP- The lack of constitutional recognition of First Nations Peoples
Statement from Katie Kiss at the 17th EMRIP session which advises on Indigenous rights and participation. -
Children's Rights11 October 2024Media Release
We must ‘help way earlier’ – united call to address systemic failures of Australia’s youth justice systems
Joint media release: Justice Reform Initiative and Australian Human Rights Commission Law and justice leaders, parliamentarians, First Nations leaders, child safety advocates, community service providers, peak organisations, and people with lived experience of child imprisonment from around Australia will come together for a landmark parliamentary event in Canberra on Thursday. Amid an… -
Race Discrimination5 November 2024Video
Dismantling systemic racism - perspectives from First Nations peoples - Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture 2024
More than 1500 people tuned into the 2024 lecture to learn about ‘Dismantling systemic racism – perspectives from First Nations peoples’. Systemic racism, in law, policies and service delivery, has serious and ongoing consequences for First Nations peoples, including poor mental and physical health, economic disadvantage, over-incarceration and social exclusion. CEO of First Nations… -
Race Discrimination24 October 2024Publication
An Anti-Racism Framework: Voices of First Nations Peoples
Artwork courtesy of First Nations Co. This report serves as a foundational document for the development of a National Anti-Racism Framework. Drawing from extensive consultations with over 496 contributors from city, remote and rural backgrounds. These voices not only highlight the urgent need for action, but also serve as a clarion call for systemic solutions to eradicate racism. The First… -
Age Discrimination13 March 2024Speech
A Human Rights Act and older people
OPAN National Older Persons Reference Group Emeritus Professor Rosalind Croucher AM FAAL FRSA FACLM(Hon) Abstract The presentation will focus on the Commission’s proposed model for a Human Rights Act in Australia and how it may support the rights of older people. Introduction [Thank you to organisers….] I would like to begin my contribution by acknowledging the traditional custodians of this… -
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice27 May 2024Media Release
Social Justice Commissioner: now more than ever, Australia must reconcile with its First Nations people
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Katie Kiss, has marked the start of Reconciliation Week by calling on Australians to finally overcome generations of disadvantage and division when it comes to First Nations rights, and forge a path for unity. The Commissioner warned that systemic failures facing Indigenous communities in all sectors of society including…
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