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Stop the Traffic 2 - Fact Sheet


Stop the Traffic 2 (2003)


Fact Sheet: Trafficking Quotes

“Traffickers violate the basic human rights of
victims to be free from sexual abuse, exploitation and slavery. The sexual
servitude experienced by those trafficked for prostitution intrudes into
and violates a human’s privacy and personal integrity.”

President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity
Commission, the Hon. John von Doussa QC

“In Southeast Asia alone it is estimated that up
to 225,000 women and children are being trafficked annually for sexual
and labour exploitation. Australia will continue to work in partnership
with countries, especially in the Asia Pacific region, to tackle this
ongoing problem.”

Minister for Foreign Affairs, Alexander Downer – media
release, 19 June 2003

“The illegal international trade in people has been
growing considerably in recent years. Australia will not tolerate this
repugnant trade which deals with women and children in a sexually exploitive

Minister for Justice and Customs, Senator Chris Ellison –
doorstop interview, 13 October 2003

“Most trafficking victims are in intensely vulnerable
situations; they come from very disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds,
may not speak English, may be illiterate, have been subjected to severe
forms of violence and abuse and suffer from ill-health.”

Minister Assisting the Prime Minister for the Status of Women
and Minister for Family and Community Services, Senator Kay Patterson
– media release, 15 October 2003

“Hundreds of women continue to be exploited in the
Australian sex industry, bonded to brothel owners until they pay off debts
of up to $35,000 to their traffickers. Girls as young as 13 have been
sold to pay off family gambling debts, brought into Australia on visitor
visas and treated as sex slaves.”

Shadow Minister for Population and Immigration and Shadow
Minister for Women, Nicola Roxon – media release, 20 August 2003

“Trafficking of persons is a modern-day form of slavery,
threatening the dignity and security of millions of people throughout
the world.”

Australian Democrats’ Status for Women spokesperson,
Senator Natasha Stott Despoja – media release, 23 September 2003