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Race Discrimination

Commissioner calls for coordinated response to address spectator racism

Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Chin Tan said the reported racial abuse directed at NRL player Latrell Mitchell demonstrates the need for professional sports organisations, including clubs and codes, to work together to address spectator racism.

Category, News
Commission – General

October ebulletin

Eye opening video on elder abuse What does elder abuse look like? It may be physical, financial or psychological, but many Australians do not see the abuse that older people sometimes suffer. Last week, on International Day of Older Persons, Age Discrimination Commissioner Dr Kay Patterson...

Category, E bulletin
Commission – General

August ebulletin

We have heard the words human rights quite a lot in recent weeks, in varied and sometimes inaccurate settings.  Measures to protect our health and safety must be balanced with our rights and freedoms, but if there was ever a time to articulate where that line is, it would be now. Which is why last...

Category, E bulletin
Sex Discrimination

Information: Independent Review of Gymnastics in Australia 2020

It was announced on 30 July 2020 that Gymnastics Australia has engaged the Australian Human Rights Commission to conduct an independent review of the sport of gymnastics in Australia. This Review will be undertaken by a dedicated team of Commission staff with relevant expertise in conducting...

Category, Story

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