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Disability Rights

Mental Health Council of Australia Annual Board Dinner

I also acknowledge Keith Wilson, President of the Mental Health Council of Australia; Chief Executive Officer Dr Grace Groom; and others here who have profound knowledge of mental health issues as family members and carers, as professionals, and as people directly affected by mental illness.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

2022 Human Rights Day Oration by Larissa Behrendt

"No More Just Tinkering at the Edges" Human Rights Day Oration by Distinguished Professor Larissa Behrendt AO 9 December 2022 I pay my respects to the Gadigal and the Elders who have kept knowledge on this country and shared so generously this unceded land. Before I start, I would like to thank the...

Category, Speech
Disability Rights


Access to telecommunications services and equipment is increasingly, something that affects us all - an essential part of social interaction, of work, and of access to or participation in an ever greater range of activities and services. All of us, rather than just ET, phone home. This month, mobile phones celebrated 21 years of service in Australia . And yesterday stockbrokers announced the availability to trade on the stock exchange using SMS.

Category, Speech
Disability Rights

Roundtable on Information Access for People with Print Disabilities

A long, long time ago, I can still remember sitting down to write my first Roundtable speech.And I thought if I had a chance, then human rights I could advance And equal access wouldn't stay just out of reach And now I'm here again to give a Few thoughts and perhaps deliver Some good news on your doorsteps And talk about some next steps

Category, Speech
Disability Rights

Workshop on using the Disability Discrimination Act effectively

Let me first pass on regrets from Sev Ozdowski that he was not able to be here as planned. He very much wanted to attend this as the first major disability conference since he commenced duty as Disability Discrimination Commissioner at the end of last year - but he had surgery this week that meant he could not travel.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Site navigation

I also thank Professor Barry Brook for his survey of the latest scientific assessments and forecasts on the impact of climate change on our planet. They are indeed alarming. The fact of climate change, and the rate of change, has become all too clear, even if there are still sceptics that wish to debate the causes. Our title reference to “Catastrophic Impacts” seems fully justified.

Category, Speech
Sex Discrimination

Paid maternity leave: Working for women

Because in addition to being integral members of the workforce, women are the bearers of and remain the primary carers for children. So if it isn't working for her then it isn't working for her family, her partner, her children and babies.

Category, Speech
Rights and Freedoms

Human rights issues for rural families: Chris Sidoti (1998)

Families, and those who support them, play a vital role in the protection of human rights. Accordingly, I am very pleased to address this conference, and I commend all of you for your work in preserving and strengthening families.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

President Speech: Flinders University Law School Prize Giving Ceremony 2010

I am honoured to have been invited to address you this evening on this beautiful campus of the Flinders University of South Australia. Let me begin my address by recalling that, long before the establishment of this prestigious place of learning in the European tradition, there was learning of another tradition here; the learning of the Kaurna people of the Adelaide Plains.I would like to acknowledge the Kaurna people, the traditional owners of the land on which we meet, and pay my respect to their elders, past and present.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Creating Fairness and Equality in the Workplace

It is now 12 months since the introduction of WorkChoices radically restructured Australia’s industrial relations system. Today, I propose to reflect on the implications of WorkChoices for the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission (HREOC) and to outline reforms HREOC believes are necessary to safeguard fairness and equality in the workplace.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Seventh International Conference for National Human Rights Institutions

Torture and various forms of terrorism have been practiced throughout history, though never on the scale we are now confronted with. The first visual records of police interrogation were discovered in a four thousand year old tomb in ancient Egypt. Since the pharaohs there have been many refinements in methods of inducing physical pain and gathering intelligence, most notably during the Spanish Inquisition, but more recently in the modern totalitarian state.

Category, Speech
Commission – General

Other Speeches (non Commission)

Other Speeches (non Commission) Are we crossing the line? The Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 - Forum at ACT legislature (31 October 2005) Dr Penelope Mathew presentation on the Anti-Terrorism Bill 2005 See also presentation by The Hon John von Doussa QC, President, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity...

Category, Speech

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