Human Rights Explained fact sheets

Human rights are an inextricable part of our lives. In fact, they are so much a part of every day living that we often take for granted the protection they offer us.
Human Rights Explained: Index
These fact sheets provide essential information on the development of human rights law.
Fact sheets
- Defining human rights
- Human rights origins
- Human rights philosophies
- The emergence of rights in law
- The international bill of rights
- How States commit to human rights treaties
- Australia and human rights treaties
- Promoting and protecting human rights in the UN system
Further Reading
- Rights and Freedoms: Right by Right Explore an overview of rights and freedoms drawing on material prepared by the Attorney-General’s Department in consultation with the Australian Human Rights Commission.
- Case Studies: Complaints including Australia Review some examples of cases involving breaches of Human Rights in Australia
- Review a Quick Guide to Discrimination Law
- Explore Resources for Employers