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Understanding human rights - rightsED

Human rights education in the national school Curriculum

RightsED - Young people in the workplace

National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention


Logo: Children in Immigration Detention

The Australian Human Rights Commission’s (then known as the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) National Inquiry into Children in Immigration Detention was announced on 28 November 2001. The Inquiry was conducted throughout 2002. It received over 340 submissions and visited all immigration detention centres in Australia.

Bush Talks: Rural Health

Jillaroos on Bush Talks

In 1998 and 1999 the Commission (then known as HREOC) visited regional, rural and remote areas in every State and the Northern Territory as part of the Bush Talks consultations.

Rural and Remote Education Inquiry

'Freedom' - child's artwork from Rural and Remote Education Inquiry

Rural and Remote Education Inquiry


The National Inquiry into Rural and Remote Education was initiated by the Commission in February 1999. The 1998 Bush Talks consultations on the human rights concerns of regional, rural and remote Australians had revealed that access to education of an appropriate standard and quality was a significant concern in rural and remote areas.

In this section you'll find

Tom Calma - Essentials for Social Justice (2007 - 2008)

Friday 14 December, 2012

Between December 2007 and November 2008 the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Social Justice Commissioner, Tom Calma, delivered a series of key speeches setting out an agenda for change in Indigenous affairs.

RightsED: Bringing them home (2010)

Bringing them home - Community Guide - 2007 update

Friday 14 December, 2012

A community guide to the findings and recommendations of the National Inquiry into the separation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children From Their Families

Bystanders must join fight against bullying (2011)

The following opinion pieces have been published by the President and Commissioners. Reproduction of the opinion pieces must include reference to where the opinion piece was originally published.