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Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 7:Australia and Human Rights Treaties

Friday 14 December, 2012

Australia does not generally agree to be bound[1] by a human rights treaty unless it is satisfied that its domestic laws comply with the terms of the treaty. Australia has agreed to be bound by the ICCPR and the ICESCR as well as other major human rights instruments, including:

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 6: How States commit to Human Rights Treaties

Friday 14 December, 2012
Signing the instrument does not create a binding legal obligation but does demonstrate the State's intent to examine the treaty domestically and consider ratifying it.

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 5: The International Bill of Rights

Friday 14 December, 2012

The International Bill of Human Rights is made up of various declarations and conventions that articulate and protect universal human rights.

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 4:The Emergence of Rights in Law

Friday 14 December, 2012

In Europe, assertions of individual rights evolved with the emergence of Nation-States. The Magna Carta, first issued in 1215, was an early legal document that granted certain rights to the English nobility by the King. The Magna Carta was reissued in different forms and reinterpreted in England over several centuries. Many of its rules were about the operation of feudal English society, though it influenced the development of rights in the common law. One of its most important innovations was the right of free men not to be imprisoned or punished except in accordance with the law.

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 3: Human Rights Philosophies

Friday 14 December, 2012

Throughout history, different countries, societies and cultures have defined or clarified ‘human rights’ to suit their own contexts. In some communities, ‘human rights’ include a specific set of laws and legislation. In others, ‘human rights’ are simply guidelines that reflect the morals and expectations of individuals within that community.

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 2: Human Rights Origins

Friday 14 December, 2012

"Our contemporary human rights system is heir to demands for human dignity throughout history and across cultures. It expresses the enduring elements of the world’s great philosophies, religions and cultures."

Human Rights Explained: Fact sheet 1: Defining Human Rights

Friday 14 December, 2012

‘Human rights’ are defined by section 3 of the AHRC Act as the rights and freedoms contained in specific international instruments that are scheduled to, or declared under, the AHRC Act.

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