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Race Discrimination

Powerful anti-racism message comes to a screen near you

Content type: Media Release


Australia’s Race Discrimination Commissioner Tim Soutphommasane has brought the anti-racism message home, launching a set of advertisements for broadcast on national TV and for streaming to millions of desktop computers and hand-held devices around the country.

The campaign depicts casual racism in the workplace and the provision of goods and services.

Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017


The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (Cth) introduced by the Australian Government.

The Australian Human Rights Commission makes this submission to the Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Legislation Committee’s inquiry into the Australian Citizenship Legislation (Strengthening the Requirements for Australian Citizenship and Other Measures) Bill 2017 (Cth) introduced by the Australian Government.

Submission: Inquiry into Strengthening Multiculturalism (2017)


Australian Human Rights Commission Submission to the Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism

Australian Human Rights Commission Submission to the Select Committee on Strengthening Multiculturalism

Victorian Parliament Iftar Dinner

Remarks of Edward Santow, Human Rights Commissioner to the 12th Annual Victorian Parliament Iftar Dinner


Hobart Oration

Explore a speech by Professor Gillian Triggs, President of the Australian Human Rights Commission, in relation to the state of human rights in Australia.

Graduation speech: Moral courage

Speech given at University of South Australia Graduation Ceremony

Check against delivery

It is wonderful to be joining you this afternoon. To all those who will be graduating very shortly, my warmest congratulations to you. And my congratulations as well to the proud families of graduands.

In America, they refer to graduation as a commencement ceremony. The idea being that the occasion wasn’t so much about marking the end of your studies, but the commencement of your life beyond your years in education.

Free Speech Inquiry - Opening Statement (2017)

Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights - Inquiry into Freedom of Speech, Public hearing 17 February 2017

The AHRC and the Racial Discrimination Act: setting the record straight

Federal racial hatred legislation and the complaints-handling processes of the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) are currently the subjects of an inquiry by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights. The Committee’s ‘Freedom of speech in Australia’ inquiry, due to report by 28 February 2017, is giving particular attention to sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act.

Building Belonging - a toolkit to tackle racial prejudice in early childhood settings

In 2016, the Australian Human Rights Commission developed its first series of early childhood education resources. ‘Building Belonging’ is a comprehensive toolkit of resources which includes an ebook, song with actions, educator guide, posters and lesson plans, focused on encouraging respect for cultural diversity and tackling racial prejudice in early childhood settings.

Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture Series

Kep Enderby (Archival photo)
The Australian Human Rights Commission has established the Kep Enderby Memorial Lecture to honour the memory of the Hon. Kep Enderby QC (1926-2015), who as Attorney-General introduced the Racial Discrimination Bill in the House of Representatives on 13 February 1975.