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The Moveable Feast – Australia and race hate as experienced in the lifetime as an observer

Tuesday 19 May, 2020

Learn about the experiences of a lifetime observer of race discrimination in this thought-provoking speech by Thomas Keneally AO.

Free thinking?

Many say freedom of expression means nothing if it doesn’t entail a freedom to offend others. Enjoying such freedom means that you may also have to tolerate hurtful or distasteful speech. But what if the burden of tolerance is not borne equally? What if some forms of speech wound not merely sensibilities but also another person’s dignity? How should a liberal democracy treat forms of speech that degrade others because of their race?

Racial discrimination

Wednesday 11 February, 2015

Learn how Racial Discrimination Act protects people from less favourable treatment because of their country of birth, ethnic origin, or skin colour.

Why is racism a problem?

Tuesday 16 December, 2014

Explore the profound effects of racism on individuals and communities. Learn from personal accounts and research findings. Stand up to racism with us.

Where does racism happen?

Tuesday 16 December, 2014

Learn about how racism exists in all areas of our society, including workplaces, schools and the wider community and what you can do to prevent it.

Who experiences racism?

Tuesday 16 December, 2014

Anyone can experience racist behaviour, such as being abused because of the colour of your skin. It’s never okay, even as a one-off incident. And it’s even worse for people who experience it frequently, many of whom also experience discrimination in other areas of their lives.

Why are people racist?

Tuesday 16 December, 2014

National Anti-Racism Strategy and Racism. It Stops with Me Campaign

Learn about the National Anti-Racism Strategy and the ‘Racism. It Stops with Me’ campaign by the Australian Human Rights Commission