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The complainant was a member of the respondent travel club and has a mobility disability. He claimed he was unable to ascertain whether hotels and other accommodation offered by the club were accessible when booking online. He advised that, even when he contacted the club by phone, he was sometimes provided with incorrect information about accessibility of accommodation.

The travel club advised the website was operated by a third party and the club did not have control over its content. The club offered to reimburse the complainant for rooms he was unable to use and to provide him with a contact point for assistance with future bookings.

The complaint was resolved. The club undertook to establish an accessibility team to assist members with access requirements with their bookings. The club said it would promote the existence of the accessibility team through its website and by a member bulletin. The club also offered the complainant credits to be put towards future bookings over the following two years.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act


Clubs/incorporated associations Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions
