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The complainant has limb-girdle muscular dystrophy and alleged she was unable to undergo a sleep study by the respondent medical specialist at the respondent hospital because her carer was unable to remain with her for the duration of the sleep study.

The hospital advised that sleep studies are conducted in small rooms in an old building that are not suitable to accommodate a carer. The specialist advised that, given the hospital’s inability to accommodate carers, he refers patients with complex needs to a larger hospital, approximately 200 Km away. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the hospital offer the complainant the use of both sleep study rooms to enable her carer to remain with her during the sleep study. The hospital also agreed to review its Disability Action Plan. It was also agreed that, in consultation with the hospital, the specialist write to referring doctors advising that the hospital may accommodate patients with complex needs, pending an assessment of those needs. The specialist and the hospital also each agreed to pay the complainant $5,000.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Aids, permits or instructs
Carer or assistant

Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions
