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The complainant is a leg amputee and uses a wheelchair. He claimed toilet facilities operated by the respondent local council were inaccessible.

The local council advised it had taken a number of steps to increase the accessibility of facilities under its purview. The local council advised it had made available on its website information about accessibility in the local government area, including the location of accessible toilet facilities. The council confirmed the toilet facilities in question were not wheelchair accessible and claimed modifications were made more difficult because the facilities were on a public thoroughfare. The council noted accessible toilet facilities were available nearby. In response to the complaint, the local council listed the upgrade/replacement of the toilet facilities in question for consideration as part of the capital budget the following year. Should the funding be approved, accessible toilet facilities would be provided at the location in question.

The complaint was resolved. In addition to actions already taken, the local council agreed to explore the possibility of providing signage on the door of the toilet facilities in question advising the location of nearby accessible toilet facilities and/or referring people requiring such facilities to online information about their location.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act


Access to premises Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Physical modifications

Goods, services and facilities provided
