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The complainant alleged a male colleague at the respondent university sexually harassed her, including by using sexual innuendo in conversation, looking  at pornography on his computer, invading her personal space and touching her without consent. She also claimed a female colleague participated in some of the alleged conduct. The complainant alleged the male colleague waited for her outside the female toilets and confronted her about complaints she made to management about his conduct. She said the male colleague’s employment with the university ended following an internal investigation of her claims and he was not replaced, resulting in an increased workload for other staff.  She said her colleagues were unhappy about this and claimed a colleague said to her ‘it’s not like you were bloody raped, for God’s sake!’ The complainant felt she had no option but to resign.

On being notified of the complaint, the respondents indicated a willingness to try to resolve the matter by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the respondents jointly pay the complainant $35,000 as general damages.


Discrimination type
Sex Discrimination Act

Sexual harassment


Outcome details

