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The complainant attended an interview with the respondent recruitment agency for a role in aged care. She claimed she was assured of ongoing paid employment and purchased a uniform on the day. The complainant alleges that, after she disclosed her criminal record, the agency stopped contacting her and ultimately told her she was unsuitable for the role. The complainant had been charged with assault with a weapon, but no conviction was recorded.

The recruitment agency claimed the complainant’s criminal record was not a factor in its decision not to offer the complainant the role and claimed other issues arose during the recruitment process which rendered the complainant unsuitable. The agency acknowledged this was not clearly communicated to the complainant. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the complainant return the uniform and be reimbursed approximately $80 for the cost of the uniform and other costs associated with attending the interview. The agency also wrote to the complainant expressing regret for the events giving rise to the complaint.


Discrimination type
Other discrimination in employment

Criminal record


Outcome details


Statement of regret

Approximately $80