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The complainant experiences impaired mobility due to knee injuries and sometimes uses a wheelchair. She alleged pools operated by the respondent council and toilet facilities at a recreational venue operated by the same council were not accessible. She also alleged the council’s practice of charging carers an entry fee to the pools was discriminatory.

The council advised a hoist was installed to provide access for people with disability to its pools in accordance with relevant disability standards. The council said staff were available to provide assistance when needed. The council confirmed the bathroom facilities referred to in the complaint do not comply with the requirements of disability standards, but noted they were built before the standard came into force. The council noted accessible toilet facilities are available at a museum near the recreational venue referred to in the complaint.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that council waive pool entry fees for carers accompanying people with disability and purchase portable steps to deliver alternative access to one of its pools. The council also undertook to investigate, and where appropriate, apply for relevant funding, to provide platform lifts to facilitate pool access and to upgrade the toilet facilities referred to in the complaint to ensure compliance with relevant disability standards.



Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Carer or assistant

Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Adjustments provided

Revised terms and conditions

