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The complainant has an acquired brain injury and Attention Deficit Disorder and uses a nicotine inhaler to manage stress. He alleged he was not permitted to use the inhaler during a flight with the respondent airline despite informing crew that he required the inhaler to manage stress associated with his disability.

The airline advised that smoking and other related devices are not permitted to be used during flights. The airline explained the complainant did not initially disclose his disability and was rude to crew when asked not to use the inhaler. The airline advised the complainant was permitted to use the inhaler once he informed crew of his disability and need for the inhaler. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that, pending provision of relevant medical information, the airline issue the complainant with clearance to carry the inhaler, subject to his agreement to carry inhaler packaging and cooperating with crew inquiries. The airline also offered to credit the complainant 49,000 points in its frequent flyer program.


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act


Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details

Revised terms and conditions
