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The complainant’s 10-year-old daughter has severe epilepsy, autism and an intellectual disability and has an assistance animal. The complainant booked a camping holiday for the family with the respondent accommodation provider. She alleged that when she tried to change her booking to book an apartment, she was told there was a ‘no pets’ policy, even if the animal was an assistance animal.

On being advised of the complaint, the accommodation provider  indicated a willingness to try to resolve the complaint by conciliation.

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the accommodation provider write to the complainant apologising for the incident and offer the family two weeks’ free accommodation. The accommodation provider undertook to state its commitment to offering access to guests with assistance animals on its social media page. Finally, the accommodation provider agreed to offer a staff member of an organisation responsible for the training of assistance animals two nights’ free accommodation and compensation for travel costs to facilitate an inspection of its expanding services to guests with assistance animals.



Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act

Assistance animal

Access to premises Accommodation Goods, services and facilities

Outcome details


Revised terms and conditions 

Anti-discrimination/EEO policy developed 

Policy change/Change in practice 

Anti discrimination/EEO training introduced 
