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The complainant has multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome and is employed in an administrative role with the respondent government department. She alleged the department did not direct her colleagues to avoid wearing scents, did not allow her to purchase products to remove lingering scents, did not let her block vents near her workspace and did not permit her to relocate to a different workplace.

The government department denied discriminating against the complainant, but agreed to participate in conciliation to try to resolve the complaint. 

The complaint was resolved with an agreement that the department ask the complainant’s colleagues to avoid wearing scents and to be considerate of her disability. The department also agreed to remove rubber mats and air fresheners from its vehicles and to allow the complainant to relocate to a workplace that helps her better manager her disability. The department undertook to commission training on disability awareness, including multiple chemical sensitivity syndrome, to be delivered to all staff. 


Discrimination type
Disability Discrimination Act



Outcome details

Adjustments provided 

Policy change/Change in practice (internal staff)  

Anti discrimination/EEO training introduced 
